正文 第11章 The True Cigar (3) (2)(1 / 3)

Compared with drinking warm or lukewarm tea (65℃ or less), drinking hot tea (65-69℃) was associated with twice the risk of oesophageal cancer, and drinking very hot tea (70℃ or more) was associated with an eight-fold increased risk.

The speed with which people drank their tea was also important. There was no association between the amount of tea consumed and risk of cancer.

Drinking a cup of tea in under two minutes straight after it was poured was associated with a five-fold higher risk of cancer compared with drinking tea four or more minutes after being poured.

A large proportion of Golestan inhabitants drink hot tea, so this habit may account for a substantial proportion of the cases of oesophageal cancer in this population.

Previous studies from the UK have reported people prefer their tea to be about 56-60℃—cool enough not to be risky.

Oliver Childs, a spokesman for Cancer Research UK, said,“Tea drinking is part of many cultures, and these results certainly don’t point to tea itself being the problem. But they do provide more evidence that a regular habit of eating and drinking very hot foods and drinks could increase your risk of developing cancer of the oesophagus.”He advised tea-drinkers to simply wait a few minutes for their brew to cool from“scalding”to“tolerable”.











