heavy [5hi:vi] adj. 重的,沉的
blockage [5blCkidV] n. 封鎖;妨礙
disease [di5zi:z] n. 病,疾病
basically [5beisikEli] adv. 在根本上
lunch [lQntF] n.午餐
He traveled in all quarters of the earth when he was young.(地方,地域)
We haven’t much time, please speak to the subject.(提及)
You have finished, haven’t you? In that case, you may have a rest.(既然那樣)
第一章 The First Lady—Michelle Obama
Elegant, passionate, a strong career woman and a devoted mom, Michelle Obama has already become a role model with an army of fans as she prepares to become the nation’s first lady.
Three days after celebrating her 45th birthday, she will take her place by her husband’s side on Jan 20 as Barack Obama is sworn in as the nation’s first African-American president.
Obama will be one of the nation’s youngest first ladies after the graceful Jackie Kennedy, who was just 31 when John F. Kennedy took office.
And while she has insisted that her main job will be“mom-in-chief”to her two daughters, Malia, 10 and Sasha, 7, her role may well evolve in the months ahead as the first family settles into the White House.
Officially Michelle Obama has said she has no political ambitions of her own, and resigned from her job as vice-president at the University of Chicago medical center, where she worked for 7 years.