第一章 Conjuring with Grapes (1) (2)
We had been invited to dinner at the hotel particulier of Mumm in Reims. There was our old friend, the Man with the Magnum, and as the courses came and went so did the’85 Cordon Rouge and the’85 Grand Cordon Rose. For the finale, another magnum, this time unlabeled, was nursed to the table as carefully as though it were an extremely rich old aunt from whom one was hoping to inherit. I looked at the menu and saw that it was simply noted as a Very Old Vintage.
I held my glass up to the light and watched the whispers of tiny bubbles rising from the bottom. Whatever else the years had done, they hadn’t subdued the sparkle. They had, however, given the wine a very slightly toasted bouquet, the pain grillé nose of a truly venerable champagne. It tasted rich and delicate and dry, and it was thirty years old. There and then, I made up my mind never to drink cheap champagne again. Life is too short.