3.The combination of offering universality and addressing all those who can read the language hashad a powerful national function. Works of literature, particularly novels, help to create national communitiesby their postulation of and appeal to a broad community of readers, being bounded yet in principle opento all who can read the language. Fiction seeps quietly and continuously into reality, creating remarkableconfidence of community in anonymity which is the hallmark of modern nations. To present the characters,speakers, plots, and themes of some literature as polentially universal is to promote an open yet boundedimagined community. In fact, the more the universality of literature is stressed, the more it may have anational function. For instance, asserting the universality of the world vision offered by the Englishwomanwriter Jane Austen makes England a very special place indeed, a site of standards of taste and behaviour and,more important, of the moral scenarios and social circumstances in which ethical problems are worked outand personalities are formed.
4.Literature is the vehicle of ideology and literature is also an instrument for its undoing. It performsthe social and political functions. By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, race, nation,and age, literary works may promote a“fellow-feeling”that discourages struggle and maintain the socialstability; but they may also produce a keen sense of injustice that makes progressive struggles possible.
Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: The American woman writer HarrietBeecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a best-seller in its day, helped create a revolution against slavery thatmade the American Civil War possible.
5.Literature is the noise of culture as well as its information. It is an entropic force as well as culturalcapital. Learning about literature gives you a stake in culture that may pay off in various ways, helping you fitin with people of higher social status, particularly in the modern world, for individuals and groups, in a worldof diverse and intermingled communities, state power, media industries, and multinational corporations.
But literature cannot be reduced to this conservative social function: it is scarcely the purveyor of“familyvalues”but makes seductive all manner of crimes, from Satan’s revolt against God in Milton’s Paradise Lostto Raskolnikor’s murder of an old woman in Dostoevski’s Crime and Punishment. It encourages resistanceto capitalist values and counters the selfishness and materialism fostered by the capitalist economy, offeringpeople alternative values and giving them a stake in culture.