Section Three What Is Man and What Is Life1.
1.What is man? Man is the wisest of all creatures, the integration of living body and soul. The partof living body is an animal, i.e. a highly intelligent animal. The part of soul is God, i.e. the The Form of theUniverse. Man’s material life is close to animal while spiritual life is close to God. Man has physical (body)life and moral (soul) life. The former is mortal while the latter is immortal. Man is living in groups and hashis social attributes. Man has the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, consequently has his naturalattributes. But Man’s most outstanding characteristic is that Man has free will and can take action in changeof one’s condition and fate. In this sense, Man is the master of his own fate and Man is close to God.
2.What is the educated man? The educated man is one who knows of the world of things, understandsthe world of people, participates in the world of thought and enjoys the world of feeling.