The pig started a loud yelling. At once,all theold hogs turned. They came at Old Yeller with theirhair on end and their teeth popping. Yeller held onto his pig until I thought for a second they hadhim. Then he let go and started running towardsme,but running slowly. Slowly enough to keep theold hogs chasing him and thinking every secondthat they were going to catch him the next.
When they saw at last that they couldn’t,theold hogs stopped and got into a tight circle. All thelittle pigs were inside,and all the shining tuskswere facing outwards.
當 它們終於明白沒法捉住它時,老豬們就停止追趕而緊緊地圍成一個圈。它們把所有的小豬都圍在裏麵,把那閃閃發光的獠牙一齊對準外麵。
Old Yeller and I knew better than to try tobreak into that circle of tusks. Anyway,we didn’thave to. All we had to do was move the hogs alongto where we wanted them,and Old Yeller alreadyknew how to do this.
Back he went,right up to their faces,andrushed at them again and again with his yelling
barks until they couldn’t stand it.One of the hogsbroke away angrily,and at once all the others madefor him too.
They were right up with Old Yeller again. Theyalmost had him. Another few inches and one of themwould put a four - inch tusk into his soft belly.