“Hey, good man, put that weapon down! You had better understand that I am not threatening any ill to you;”and the bird went on saying one thing after another until at last, when it had spoken for the third time, the hunter decided to spare it, and, taking it down, carried it gently to his house, thinking to himself:
“Who knows, perhaps this curious bird may bring me luck, as it speaks with a human voice。”
When he arrived at home he put a plaster on its broken wing, and tried all possible remedies to heal the poor bird。
After he had finished putting the plaster on, the bird asked the man to kill a cow, as he wanted something to eat。And he ate the whole cow。
On the second day he again asked that another cow should be killed for him to eat。
“That is all very well, my dear Eagle,”replied the man,“but if I go on like this I shall soon be a poor man。”
“Never mind,”said the Eagle;“I know what I am doing。Do not worry。But unless you do what I ask, I shall not be able to help you。”
“Well, but-”the man went on, musingly-“how long shall I be able to do it?”
But still he gave the Eagle a cow to eat every day until he had none left。What was he to do then? He had entered the hora, and had to keep the tune。
On the day when the man had killed the last cow, Sur the Eagle told him to fix up a pole fifty feet high in the middle of the ground, and to plant it only just one foot deep in the ground。No sooner had he done it than Sur the Eagle took hold of the pole and gripped it with his claws, and, rising up in the air, flew away-far away, so far that the man lost sight of him。When he had lost sight of him, the man started whistling, saying:
“Now look at me。What a fool I have been! He has eaten up all my cows, and now he has flown away。”And he started scratching his head。Whilst he was scratching his head he heard a whirring noise, and, turning round, what did he see but the Eagle Sur coming down like lightning from the height of heaven, driving the pole deep down into the ground, and then ramming it farther in with his breast bone。Then Sur turned to the man and said to him:“That was only a trial of strength。Now get on to my back and let us depart。”