When they had risen very, very high, close to the Kingdom of the Storm Wind, the Eagle shook the man off his back and let him drop, but soon caught him again with his talons。This he did three times, just dropping him, letting him fall a little, and then catching him with his talons and replacing him on his back。Then he said to the man:“You gave me the same fright when you were going to shoot at me three times, and now I have repaid you for it。”After that they continued their flight, and kept on for a long while until they came to a palace radiant with light。So strong was the light that the man could have more easily looked at the sun without blinking than at this palace。The Eagle Sur said to him:“This is the palace of my sister, who believes that I am dead; go and beg alms from her, for the benefit of the soul of the departed。Ask her to give you alms and the dried-up nut from under her pillow, and when she gives it to you say,‘May God bless you! May this gift be for the benefit of whatever soul may stand in need of it, and may the Eagle Sur live wherever he be!’”
“Very well,”said the man,“I will do so;”and he went。When he had reached the palace of the Eagle’s sister, and had received the alms, he said:“May God bless you, and may these alms be for the benefit of the soul that stands in need of it, and may the Eagle Sur live wherever he be!”
“What! is he still alive?”asked his sister, full of joy;“and if so, why does he not come to see me? Where is he wandering?”
“He is sure to come home,”said the man,“but you must first give me the driedup nut from under your pillow, and he is then certain to come back; but he wants to do something with it, I do not know what。”
“These are empty words,”she replied;“I have not seen him for such a long time, and I doubt whether I shall ever see him again。But be that as it may, the dried-up nut I will not give。”
When he heard these words, the man returned to the place where he had left the Eagle and told him that such and such had happened。