正文 第22章 SUCNA MURGA(3)(2 / 3)

After a while she bethought herself and said,“Perhaps he is not dead,”so she bent over him and put her ear over his mouth to hear whether he was breathing。This was just what Sucna Murga was waiting for。In the twinkling of an eye he had drawn his sword and cut off one of her two heads; then getting hold of her second head, he began hacking at it with his sword。

When she found herself in his power she began begging him to spare her life at least。“Have you not destroyed all my family and cut off one of my heads?”

He answered:“Show me how I can reach my own world below。”

She said to him:“Go into that valley yonder, and there you will find a horse’s head。Strike it with a whip, and a beautiful horse will stand before you and will carry you to your world。”

When he had heard all that she had to tell him, fearing lest she should have other Zmeu children, he cut off her second head and left her there dead。He then went to the valley to which she had pointed, and found the head of a horse and struck it with a whip。There immediately stood before him a wonderful horse, which said to him:

“Master, I am ready to do your bidding。But first of all put your hand into my right ear, and there you will find royal robes fit for a king。Then put your hand into my left ear, there you will find a bridle and saddle。Put them on me and then mount。”

“But,”said Sucna Murga,“how are we to get back to my world?”

“That you must leave to me,”said the horse,“and when you are mounted shut your eyes。”

This he did; then the horse told him,“Open your eyes,”and to his surprise he found himself in his father’s kingdom。But he disguised himself and put on a poor man’s clothes and took up his abode in a poor quarter, where he gave himself out to be a goldsmith。

The old Emperor decided that the wedding of the three men and the three Princesses should now take place。They made all the necessary preparations。The two elder Princesses felt happy, but the youngest was always sad。She thought of Sucna Murga and what had happened to him, and she loathed the gipsy who tried to take the place of Sucna Murga, boasting everywhere that he had saved the three Princesses and that he had killed the Zmei。

The day for the wedding approached, and the Princesses had everything they wanted except the crowns they had left with Sucna Murga。

The King issued a proclamation offering very high pay to anyone who could make suitable crowns for the Princesses。

When Sucna Murga heard of that he sent word to the Emperor that he was able to make such crowns。The eldest Prince, hearing of the offer of Sucna Murga, went to him and brought a large amount of gold, which he offered to him if he would make proper crowns for the Princesses。Sucna Murga was dressed in dirty clothes, and had blackened his face and hands and had so disguised himself that his brother could not recognize him。