When he was asked whether he could make such crowns, he replied:“Come to-morrow and you will find one ready。”On the morrow the eldest Prince came, and there the crown was ready on the table。It was the very crown which the eldest Princess had left with Sucna Murga。Overjoyed, the Prince took it home, and when the eldest Princess took it and put it on her head it fitted her admirably。She seemed to recognize it, but was not sure。
The next day the second Prince came。He also did not recognize Sucna Murga, and he received on the morrow the second crown。
Then came the turn of the gipsy。He dressed himself in golden robes covered with pearls, and coming to Sucna Murga he held forth, telling him what a great hero he was, and how he had killed the Zmei and had saved the Princesses。Sucna Murga gave him the third crown。
When the day of the wedding approached, Sucna Murga sent word to the Court that an Emperor from distant parts was coming to the wedding。On receiving that message the old Emperor gathered his counsellors and nobles and went to the gate of the town to meet the other Emperor, his guest。There was Sucna Murga dressed in royal robes riding his charger, looking like a king。But no one recognized him, so wonderfully was he dressed。He refused, however, to enter the town unless he was promised a seat at the head of the table between the youngest bride and bridegroom。This the old Emperor willingly promised, as there would be no one higher in rank at his table than this Emperor。
When they had sat down, each one according to his station and Sucna Murga between the gipsy and his bride, the gipsy began again his boastful talk。Sucna Murga listened quietly to this talk whilst the three Princesses looked at Sucna Murga in astonishment。They seemed to recognize him, and yet they were not quite sure, because they could not make out how he could have come back from the dwelling of the Zmei now that the chain had been pulled down。When the gipsy had talked long enough, Sucna Murga turned to him and said:“If you are such a brave and valiant man and so powerful as you tell us, stretch out your arm and take me on the palm of your hand, and see whether you can carry me。”
The gipsy, confounded at the idea of such a test, tried to wriggle out, and he said:“There is no such man in the world who can carry another in the palm of his hand。”
“Is there no such man in the world?”replied Sucna Murga。“Here I stretch out my hand-step up on to my palm, and see whether I can carry you。”