How great, therefore, was the bewilderment of the King and his servants when, instead of dragging up a stag, they brought up a handsome young man。The King, greatly astonished, asked him who he was and how he had come into the well。The young man told him the whole history from beginning to end, and added that his sister, the King’s real wife, was also lying at the bottom of the well, whither she had been cast by the gipsy, who had now taken her place。
When the King heard the tale of Florea, he at once sent his people to the bottom of the well, and they brought up the Queen, who had not changed in the least, although she looked like one who was dead。In reality she was only asleep through the pin which had been fastened in her hair。
When the King saw that the Queen was, as he thought, dead, he gave orders for a grand funeral。All the neighbouring Kings and Emperors were invited, and there was much weeping and lamenting。But it so happened that the horses dragging the hearse stumbled on the way, and the coffin inside the hearse jolted。This shook the head of the Queen, and the pin fell out of her hair。
No one can describe the fright and the surprise of all those present when they saw the Queen sitting up! At first they did not believe that she was alive but soon they found that it was really true。Their mourning was turned into joy, and they all returned to the palace。
Here the false Queen, the gipsy, was brought before the King and made to confess her crime。In spite of the prayers of the Queen, the King would not pardon the gipsy for her treachery, and ordered her to be tied to the tails of wild horses, which were then set free to run over the open fields, and so she met with the death she well deserved。