WHEN God had created the world, men multiplied。There were then towns and hamlets and gardens and fields。So one day a band of angels came to the Lord, and said:“Oh, Lord, let us go to examine the world which we now see only from afar。Grant us in Thy infinite mercy that we may go down and see it more closely。”
And the Lord, in His infinite love, granted their request, although He, Who knows everything, knew what would happen to them here-after。And the angels came down and mixed with the men and women, and rejoiced at everything they saw。After a time God Almighty came down to them, and told them that the time for their return to heaven had come。The angels gathered together in a joyful band to go back up to heaven。But there was one angel who did not share in their joy。He walked sadly and alone。
God asked every one of the angels what they had seen。And one told Him of the flowers and their sweet smell, and another told of the fruit, and a third of the singing birds。Everyone had a pleasant tale to tell。When the turn came of that angel who was walking sadly in that joyful company, the Lord asked him whether he had anything to tell, and whether he wished to return to heaven, as his companions did? to which he replied that he would prefer to remain on earth, for he would not like to go back to heaven。And the good God asked him why he was so sad, and why he would prefer to remain in this world。The angel hesitated for a while, and then he said that he had looked too far into the eyes of a girl, which were as the blue of heaven, and he could not bear to go away from her。And the Lord asked who she was, and the angel replied:“A shepherdess feeding her flock on the mountain。”And the Lord asked him,“Hast thou spoken to her?”and he said,“I could not forbear doing so。”And the Lord asked him,“What didst thou tell her?”and he replied,“I said I would forego my angelic station rather than leave her。”