The Lord, Who had up till then looked very young, suddenly turned very old and careworn, and after gazing at this angel for a long time, walked on slowly and silently with the band of other angels。When they reached the Gates of Heaven, the Lord stopped short, and, turning to the angels, said:“You can no longer enter the heavenly abode。You are bringing tidings of the ways of the world, which must not be heard by the other angels。And as you like the world, you shall continue to look at the people’s doings。”Thereupon the Lord changed the angels and made them into stars, which He scattered all over the heavens, and from there they smile joyfully and kindly upon the earth。
But the angel who wished to return did not turn into a pleasant, twinkling star。He turned into a fiery star, that, always blazing and unsteady, looked angrily at the other stars。
At last the Lord, fearing that there would be strife between them, cast the red star down to the earth, and it descended on the meadow where the shepherdess was; it came down as a shower of sparks over the whole field。