第五章(3 / 3)

"They will die with no water or food,child. The demon is after them. And the foxtoo.

"But you're not well. You won't be able tobreathe in the storm. You'll kill yourself insteadof saving them. "

"I can stick it out. This will keep my asth-ma under control. ' He pulled out a bottle ofwine and took a swig.

No. Let me go. You stay here, dad. Let棍,也跟著紮進風沙中。板門在她後邊被風沙來回摔打著。



老沙頭像一頭老駱駝般艱難地邁著步。他用左手擋在雙眼的上方, 以防猛烈的風沙擊傷他的眼睛,右手拄著拐杖,走幾步停下來歇一歇,咳嗽一下堵在嗓子眼的痰。有時被迎麵的強風灌得無法呼吸,臉憋得發紫,這時.他趕緊轉過身周一口烈酒。沙柳背著水壺幹糧等物,寸步不離地跟在父親後邊,有時攙著他把腳從軟me go.

"You'll get lost out there. You don't knowit well enough. I know this demon. I can findthem. Get up, child. and let me set out. Now."An unswerving, steely resolution showed on theold man's solemn face.

"No. I won't let you go. No!" She clutchedhis legs tighter.

He shoved her away and plunged into theraging sandstorm carrying the water, rations andclothes.


She scrambled to her feet, took her father'sstick from behind the door and plunged into thestorm too while the door slapped and banged be-hind her.

Father and daughter trudged along in theblazing desert.

For a day and a night they found nothing.The storm never let up, continuing to swalloweverything with smothering force. The willowleaves shriveled, drooping like hanging rags.軟的流沙層裏拔出來。
