第五章(2 / 3)

But the wind was scorching, licking at theirbacks through their clothing as it rolled in fromthe desert. Sand made its way into their ears andmouths and eyes. As the wind reached a climax,it shook the desert.

"The wicked sandstorm ! The cursed de-mon! ” She spat as she ran to cover the well,shoo in the chickens and close the door and win-dows.

His brows tightly knit, the old man gazedspeechlessly towards the west.


"They won't get in from the desert in astorm as bad as this. "

"It serves them right."

"It'll cover every footprint and landmark."The old man's face hardened. "They'll be lostout there. "孩子,沒有水,沒有幹糧,他們有生命危老沙妖盯上他們了。還有……那隻沙狐







“爸爸 !”


"Forget about them. We didn't ask them togo.

"Listen, child. Fill a bucket with water andpack some rations.

" Dad?

"Get moving. '

"No, dad. You're too weak. You're ill."

Unheeding, he went to the outer room,filled a bucket and put all their corn buns andparched flour into a bag. Then he fetched someclothing from the inner room and began to tie uphis waist and trouser-legs.

" You mustn't go, dad, please, " shebegged, throwing herself at his feet and hugginghis legs.