People in all types of societies organize themselves in relation to each other for work and other duties. People commonly organize themselves in three major ways, including bonds by kinship and marriage, work duties and economic position, and political standpoint. Important factors in family, work, and political relations include age and gender (behaviors and roles associated with men and women).
Social work is professional activity aimed generally at enriching and enhancing individual and group development or at alleviating adverse social and economic conditions. Its practitioners work to provide care for abused or neglected children, rehabilitate (使恢複) people with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities, and extend financial aid to the poor and the aged. Social workers also provide treatment, counseling, or preventive services to help those in need.
Formerly, all forms of philanthropic (慈善的) and charitable activities, including those of untrained, civic-minded individuals, were regarded as social work. Such activities focused primarily on solving the immediate problems of the indigent(窮困的) and did little to change the conditions that caused those problems. More recently, however, a vast number of new social researches have studied the social and economic maladjustments (失調) of modern society, and the activities of social workers have been coordinated in an effort to achieve the maximum possible benefit both for those individuals who are in need and for the entire community.
Social work is conducted by public and private agencies. In the US, for example, the federal government, operating through the Department of Health and Human Services, as well as the Department of Labor, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and other units, administers social welfare programs or provides funds that permit states, cities, neighborhoods, or private agencies to operate welfare programs. These include adoption services to abused and neglected children, foster-home (領養家庭) care, children’s institutions, and juvenile-training (少年培訓)schools, as well as local community organizations and neighborhood service centers. Other funds go to school social work, psychiatric(精神病的) clinics and mental health centers, drug-abuse programs, programs to improve intergroup relations, and social planning efforts. Many states, cities, neighborhoods, and voluntary agencies grant funds for similar and other programs.
Social security is the public programs designed to provide income and services to individuals facing retirement, sickness, disability, or unemployment. In the United States, the term social security refers specifically to the programs established in 1935.under the Social Security Act. In particular, it refers to the social insurance portion of that act, which uses contributions made by workers and employers to provide income to people and their families during retirement or in the case of involuntary unemployment, disability, or death.
Before industrialization, most people worked on farms. Large families provided the labor necessary to run a farm, and most people lived in extended families, which encompassed (包含) several generations. In extended families, healthy working-age members could support their young, elderly, and infirm (弱的) relatives. However, with the rise of factory, office, and service jobs located outside of the home, people no longer needed to live in large families to make a living. Many jobs actually required that people move far away from their homes. With this change in work, people began to have small, nuclear families, which included only a couple and their children. In the shift from extended families to nuclear families, many people lost most of their reliable source of support—a large network of relatives.
The tradition of people living in large families began to disappear. Many people began living in smaller families, consisting of only married couples and their children. Industrial and postindustrial jobs—in factories, retail(零售的) stores, and offices—often demand flexible and mobile workers. Since most of these jobs are away from the home, people have to commute long distances from home to work, and they may have to relocate with certain jobs. Most people in developed countries today have completely separate family and work lives. Small, flexible families are better suited to these kinds of work patterns. Small families do not, however, provide the kind of social support that extended families do. In addition, many countries have a growing number of single-parent households which provide even less support than do typical nuclear families.
One response to the shift in working patterns was the development of pension programs and insurance plans. During the 1800s trade unions developed their own insurance plans with funds contributed by employees and employers to finance insurance benefits. Railroad workers established particularly strong insurance and pension programs. A Railroad Retirement Act was later written into federal law along with Social Security. Corporations began offering pension plans in the late 1800s. By the early 1900s, many state and local governments offered pensions to government employees such as teachers, police officers, and firefighters. Private insurance companies had also begun offering health and disability insurance by this time.
One of the widest-ranging systems of social support in the United States prior to passage of the Social Security Act developed during the American Civil War (1861-1865). In 1862, the federal government created a generous pension program for Union war veterans (老兵) disabled in battle and for their families. Later amendments to this legislation gave benefits to Union veterans in their old age and to those disabled outside of battle. As extensive as this pension program was, it covered only a minor portion of the US population, and it was stopped in the early 1900s.
During the early 1900s most states enacted workers’ compensation laws that required businesses to pay benefits to employees injured on the job or to the families of workers who died because of work-related accidents or illnesses. Workers’ compensation and employer-sponsored pension programs formed the foundation of a growing system of privately funded social insurance. However, these types of support still covered only a minority of US citizens. Some states also enacted mandatory (強製的) old-age pension laws, designed to cover all citizens, but many of these laws were quickly declared unconstitutional and repealed (廢除). Several attempts by states to develop health insurance systems also failed against tests of constitutionality (合憲法性).
Economic security declined for all US citizens in 1929.when the stock market crashed, triggering the Great Depression—a period of severe unemployment throughout the country. Millions of people fell into poverty, and economic hardships were particularly severe for the oldest members of the population. In response, in the early 1930s several states managed to enact and maintain old-age pension and unemployment insurance programs. Political pressure for a national social insurance program increased as the depression persisted and deepened.
In 1934.President Franklin Roosevelt created a Committee on Economic Security to draft a program of guaranteed social support for all US citizens who were economically vulnerable (脆弱的) during the Great Depression of the 1930s. In part, Roosevelt was responding to several radical(激進的) proposals designed to stimulate the economy. One proposal would have distributed $200.per month to every aged family with the requirement that the money be spent during that month. In early 1935.the committee submitted its Economic Security Bill to the Congress of the United States. Congress subsequently changed the name of the bill to Social Security and approved it by the middle of 1935. President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law in August of that year. The core of the Social Security Act was to protect all citizens against the economic risks of unemployment and old age.
The Social Security Act was a comprehensive(綜合的) law consisting of 11.titles, or subjects. Six of the titles detailed specific programs, while the others established methods of taxation to fund the programs, formed the organization to supervise the program (the Social Security Board), and established guidelines for the creation of public health facilities. The six original programs were Old-Age Assistance, Old-Age Benefits (for retirement), Unemployment Compensation, Aid to Dependent Children (ADC), Maternal (母親的) and Child Welfare, and Aid to the Blind.
The federal government deducted(扣除) taxes from workers’ income to finance Social Security benefits, while states collected taxes from employers to finance unemployment benefits. Social Security and Unemployment benefits came directly from these funds, rather than from general tax revenues. The other four program titles of the Social Security Act were forms of welfare, funded by general federal revenues. To most Americans, Old-Age Benefits for retired adults became synonymous (同義的) with the term social security. The federal government alone operated this program, whereas states ran the others with grants from the federal government. Old-Age Assistance and Aid to the Blind were meant primarily to supplement (補充) Old-Age Benefits, or to provide income to people ineligible (不合規定的) for those benefits. Maternal (母親的) and Child Welfare funded health-care programs for poor mothers and their children and for disabled children, as well as programs to protect and care for homeless, neglected, and otherwise endangered children. Aid to Dependent Children provided support for children living with only one parent or with relatives other than their parents.
The government structured Social Security benefits to provide proportionately more support to poorer citizens and less to wealthier citizens, in relation to income earned during working years. In other words, those who earned low wages or salaries receive a larger percentage of their former income in benefits than do recipients who had higher incomes. In couples with just one worker contributing to Social Security, the non-contributing spouse who claims benefits at age 65.or older receives 50.percent of the amount paid to his or her spouse. Similar percentages are payable to disabled individuals and their spouses. Surviving spouses and children receive a percentage of the retirement benefits computed from the earnings of the deceased (已死的) earner.
Medicare health insurance for the elderly is split into two parts, hospital insurance, also known as part A, and supplementary medical insurance (SMI), also known as part B. Medicare hospital insurance pays for inpatient (住院病人) hospital services, nursing home and hospice(收容所) care, and home health services. Financing for this part of Medicare comes mostly from payroll (薪水總額) taxes. Medicare supplementary medical insurance, which pays for many services provided by physicians, is funded in part by uniform monthly contributions from aged and disabled people enrolled in the program, and in part by federal general revenues. However, legislation passed in 1982.and 1984.froze the share of SMI costs covered by federal revenues at 75.percent. In 2001.the Medicare SMI monthly premium (津貼) for each participant was $54. In addition, patients are responsible for a deductible(可扣除的) portion of their hospital costs and for copayment (共同支付) of 20.percent of physician charges.
The Unemployment Compensation program provides monetary support for people who have lost jobs. The Employment Service program (established prior to the Social Security Act) provides training and job-finding services for people seeking jobs. The two programs are controlled cooperatively by the federal and state governments. Titles III and IX of the Social Security Act authorized the federal government to grant money to states to administer unemployment compensation, and established a federal unemployment insurance trust fund (信托基金). The Federal Unemployment Tax Act of 1939.authorized the collection of both federal and state payroll taxes from employers and specified how these funds were to be used. Most of the federal tax can be offset (抵消) by employer’s contributions to state funds under an approved state unemployment compensation law. The federal government uses its small portion of the tax to pay for the administrative costs of the Unemployment Compensation and Employment Service programs, and for loans to states whose funds run low.
Welfare is the programs aimed at helping people unable to fully support themselves or their families. Welfare recipients include elderly people, people with mental or physical disabilities, and those needing help to support dependent children. All developed nations maintain a variety of social welfare programs. Countries offer many such programs as rights of citizenship. Governments establish welfare systems to provide a so-called safety net to prevent people from suffering the effects of poverty. However, many people believe that welfare encourages its recipients to become dependent on government support and remain unemployed. As a result, welfare programs have always aroused heated public debate.
In any society, not all people are able to work. Societies recognize that the very young and old have limited capacities to perform work, as do people with severe mental or physical disabilities. In some cases, there are not enough employment opportunities for everyone who is capable and interested in working. Welfare is a means by which societies help support these segments (部分) of the population.
The US government provides welfare in a number of basic ways. Some programs distribute direct cash assistance. Other programs provide specific goods, such as public housing, or the means to obtain them, such as subsidized (有津貼的) rents, vouchers(憑單) to offset private housing costs, or coupons (優惠券) to purchase food. Still others provide services or the means to obtain services. Welfare services include health care, childcare, and services coping with drug or alcohol dependency. Goods and services, as opposed to direct cash assistance, are known as in-kind (實物的) benefits. Other welfare programs create or subsidize jobs for the unemployed. In addition, the government also provides a tax discount for the poor, known as an Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which some people consider a welfare program.
In a free-market economy, such as that of the United States and most other developed nations, there will always be a certain percentage of capable, working-age adults being unemployed. Unemployment rates vary regionally and from season to season, as technology and desirable job skills change, and as workforces grow or diminish (減少). Unemployment rates also vary considerably from country to country. For example, in late 2002, the unemployment rate was 5.3.percent in Japan and 8.8.percent in France.
In the 19th century, many people lived in large extended families that worked together on family farms. The size of the family and its stability were important for farm production. During the 19th and 20th centuries, countries around the world shifted from primarily agrarian (農業的) to primarily industrial economies. In the late 20th century, some of these nations shifted again and became primarily postindustrial (service- and information-based) economies.
Fundamental changes in the global economy have created need for welfare. In the second half of the 20th century, capital, expertise, and trade moved across national boundaries with increasing ease, creating both opportunities and risks. Businesses began moving low-skill jobs to countries that could provide cheaper labor. They also created many new, higher-skill jobs, such as those in technological and scientific research and computer programming. These changes have affected both developed and developing nations. They often require that people move, learn new skills, or dramatically alter their living arrangements for work. Such shifts leave people in situations where they may need a safety net.
The English Poor Laws, a system set up by the government of England in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, attempted to establish a clear public responsibility for care of the poor. Under these laws, government authorities divided the poor into two groups. The “deserving poor”were those deemed (認為) unable to work—primarily the disabled, blind, and elderly. Those who were capable of working but unemployed were labeled as the “undeserving poor.”Those considered unable to work were generally eligible for cash or other forms of assistance, known as outdoor relief. Those who could work were provided with what amounted to (相當於) public-service employment. Such government-funded work was known as indoor relief, because it was usually done inside large public facilities called workhouses (救濟院). As a last resort, some of those unable to work and provide for themselves sought refuge (避難) in poorhouses or almshouses (濟貧院), publicly funded institutions that offered food and shelter.
The government decides what welfare programs should provide, and who should receive it, by measures of economic well-being. These measures are based on national mean (平均的) income figures. Mean income is an estimate of how much a typical person earns over a given period of time, usually a year. People whose incomes are less than a determined amount below the national mean (平均數) are considered to be living in poverty. Welfare programs targeted at people with relatively little income and few assets are called means-tested welfare programs. Other forms of income support are referred to simply as non-means-tested.
In theory, welfare targets make sense, since they direct support to those most in need. Targeting, however, creates problematic incentives(激勵). For example, if welfare recipients begin to earn money, or start to earn more than they had been earning, their benefits may fall and their taxes may rise. This can be a powerful incentive for recipients to rely on welfare and not seek work. In effect, this situation creates an obstacle for welfare recipients to take work when it is available to them. Working at a minimal wage, minus (減去) taxes, often cannot offset the loss of welfare benefits. Targeting welfare benefits to certain groups also creates incentives for people to change their behavior in order to become eligible for benefits. A young parent may be less inclined to marry if single parenthood makes it easier to claim welfare benefits. The dilemma of balancing compassion for the poor with a desire to promote socially approved behaviors—work and marriage, for example—has caused public policy debates over welfare for several centuries.
Since the 1980s Canada has experienced fundamental changes in its social and economic structure. The labor market has changed substantially (實質性地), and the unemployment rate has climbed considerably. The rate averaged more than 10.percent in the 1990s. Fewer full-time, permanent jobs are available than in the past, and the education and skill levels required to obtain these jobs have increased. In addition, the employable population is growing with women joining the workforce and increasing numbers of immigrants to Canada. The proportion of two-income families has increased by half in the past quarter-century to over 60.percent of all families. Increasingly, Canada’s federal and regional governments have sought to reduce benefits and move unemployed recipients into the labor force.
Social-control theory assumes that everyone has a predisposition (傾向) toward criminal behavior. Whether or not a person acts on those predispositions depends on whether he or she has ties to groups that impose values opposing crime, such as the family, school, the community, and volunteer organizations. People with such attachments initially hold certain values because they fear sanctions (處罰) from these groups. Gradually, however, the values are internalized and become a belief that to do otherwise would be morally wrong. People without these attachments are not deterred (威懾) by threat of group sanction nor do they ultimately internalize legitimate norms, and thus they are more likely to engage in criminal activity.
Studies concerning the influence of economic factors on criminal behavior have attempted to link economic deprivation (匱乏) to increased motivation to commit crimes (especially property crimes). Such studies assume that when economic conditions worsen, more people experience deprivation and some of them would turn to crime to relieve the deprivation. These theories have been used to explain why people of lower socioeconomic (社會經濟的) status are disproportionately (不成比例地) represented among known criminals.
Globalization is a comprehensive term for the emergence of a global society in which economic, political, environmental, and cultural events in one part of the world quickly come to have significance for people in other parts of the world. Globalization is the result of advances in communication, transportation, and information technologies. It describes the growing economic, political, technological, and cultural linkages that connect individuals, communities, businesses, and governments around the world. Globalization also involves the growth of multinational(多國的) corporations, which refer to businesses that have operations or investments in many countries, and transnational (跨國的) corporations, which are businesses that function in a global marketplace. The international institutions that oversee world trade and finance play an increasingly important role in this era of globalization.
Most experts attribute (歸因) globalization to improvements in communication, transportation, and information technologies. For example, not only currencies(現金), but also stocks, bonds(債券), and other financial assets can be traded around the clock(晝夜不停地) and around the world due to innovations in technology and information processing. A three-minute telephone call from New York City to London in 1930.cost more than $300, making transnational communication very expensive. Today the cost is insignificant.
Globalization has both positive and negative aspects. Among globalization’s benefits are the sharing of basic knowledge, technology, investments, resources, and ethical values. Among the negative aspects are the rapid spread of diseases, illicit (非法的) drugs, crime, terrorism, and illegal migration.