正文 第九章 生活在農村好還是城市好?(1 / 2)



一、寫作思路 首段:可以說明對“生活在農村好還是城市好?”這個話題,沒有放之四海而皆準的結論。然後,提出自己的觀點:真正的問題並不在於一個人生活在哪裏,而是如何生活。



二、參考範文和譯文 參考範文

City vs. Country: Where's the Better Place to Live?

When it comes to a debate over the merits of a rural life or a city life, there is no universal, simple answer. The real question is not where a person lives, but how a person lives. By living a generous, meaningful and intelligent life, a person can find happiness in any place.

Generosity looks to bring benefit to others. The generous person will find himself loved by others, and will usually find his generosity returned to him when he needs it. Someone think that it can be easy to live a meaningless life in the country—with no way to do something useful for society. But it's just as easy to live uselessly in the city—drifting from entertainment to entertainment and never doing anything worthwhile. It doesn't matter where you live. It matters whether you choose to leave everything and everyone you touch better than how you found it. And intelligence can be found anywhere. It's not a matter of going to enough museums. It's a matter of applying one's self to learn about everything one comes in contact with.