正文 第十六章 媒體的示範作用(1 / 2)



一、寫作思路 首段:描述下文中漫畫的內容,點明漫畫所要表達的中心思想:孩子受到了電視廣告的誤導。同時說明這幅漫畫讓我們開始思考媒體帶給我們的影響。





The Role of Media

That a child is telling her mother that normal people get to eat those tasty snacks five times an hour. Obviously, it is not a good advice. It draws our attention to the importance of the role that media plays in our life. Media influences us both for good and for bad.

On the one hand, media educates people in many ways: by seeing a public service advertisement showing a father buying groceries for an elderly person, a child may grow up looking for ways to help others. After a serious talk on TV about homeless people, public attention may be attracted to those who need help. On the other hand, however, society can be strongly influenced by media in a bad way as well when media fails to spread the right views. What is depicted in the picture is merely one example.