The Spirit of Doubt
Someone once said: doubt is the key to acquiring knowledge. This famous sayingis conveying the idea that the true acquisition of knowledge lies not merely inpassing down knowledge from ancestors or teachers, but also in the use of yourown judgment. Our society is surrounded by comments or criticisms fromauthorities which are not evaluated in a spirit of doubt. Doubt is essential toacquiring truth and developing as a person and society.
Blindly trusting
Authority has been a part of human nature since the dawn ofcivilization. Admittedly, some authorities, particularly philosophers,scientists and educators, have made enormous contributions to the developmentand spread of knowledge. People have benefited from this. But what cannot bedenied is that knowledge is connected to personal experience. People makemistakes. As long as people are involved, mistakes are likely to appear in allaspects of getting and spreading knowledge. Thus, we must look at knowledge witha spirit of doubt and make our own judgments. Only in this way can trueknowledge be acquired.