The Importance of Setting Goals
When asked what kind of person he would like to be, child Robert Downey Jr.immediately replied that he wanted to be “an iron man.” Some years later, themovie Iron Man became one of the best-selling movies ever, starring Hollywoodactor Robert Downey Jr. Although he could not have imagined this exact event inhis future life, having a goal helped Downey achieve success in life.
Obviously, as a child, Downey couldn't have known if he would achieve hisdreams, but he still made a goal and struggled to achieve it. It is essentialfor us, especially college students, to set up a goal at the beginning of ourlife. For one thing, goals act as a beacon, guiding you in that direction, whichassists you in achieving your goals and becoming the sort of person you want tobe. For another thing, even if you achieve nothing for now, miracles may happenas long as you insist on you goal. While chasing for your goal, you will alsoreap personal improvement through hard work. The process matters as much as yourgoal.