正文 第二十章 正確的方向(1 / 2)









The Right Direction

At present, a great multitude of people, especially youngsters, are inclined tolose their sense of direction when faced with resistance. Under thesecircumstances, they hardly know what to do, so they do nothing. But a rightdirection in life is essential to obtaining our goals.

In working and learning, we often encounter unexpected difficulties. When weconfront these, we must persevere and never yield to difficulties. Otherwise,just like a snail, we may lose our direction and move away from the path tosuccess. Once we determine our direction, we should stick to it and not beeasily led astray, for if we lose our way, we lose motivation, fail to reach ourgoals, and may even sink into the abyss of crime.

All in all, a right direction in life is important to everyone. Once lost, wewill lose our goals in life and become less motivated. Thus, no matter what wedo, it is essential to stick to the right direction.