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Removal of heavy metals from extract of Angelica sinensis by

EDTA-modified chitosan magnetic adsorbent

REN Yong, SUN Ming-hui, PENG Hong*, HUANG Kai-xun

(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University of

Science and Technology, Wuhan , China)

[Abstract] The concentrations of heavy metals in the extracting solutions of traditional Chinese medicine are usually very low、 Furthermore, a vast number of organic components contained in the extracting solutions would be able to coordinate with heavy metals, which might lead to great difficulty in high efficient removal of them from the extracting solutions、 This paper was focused on the removal of heavy metals of low concentrations from the extracting solution of Angelica sinensis by applying an EDTA-modified chitosan magnetic adsorbent (EDTA-modified chitosan/SiO2/Fe3O4,abbreviated as EDCMS)、 The results showed that EDCMS exhibited high efficiency for the removal of heavy metals, such as Cu, Cd and Pb, e、g、 the removal percentage of Cd and Pb reached 90% and 94、7%, respectively、 Besides, some amounts of other heavy metals like Zn and Mn were also removed by EDCMS、 In addition, the total solid contents, the amount of ferulic acid and the HPLC fingerprints of the extracting solution were not changed significantly during the heavy metal removal process、 These results indicate that EDCMS may act as an applicable and efficient candidate for the removal of heavy metals from the extracting solution of A、sinensis、

[Key words] EDTA modified chitosan; magnetic adsorbent; Angelica sinensis; removal of heavy metal; adsorption

