正文 第16章 寫作論證論據素材庫心理類(3 / 3)


However, with all these factors related to forming an identity, the most important and most influential is the person themselves. We see people every day, some of whom we want to be like and some we hope we will never turn out to be like. With all the outside factors to guide and help or push and hamper, the individual has the last say. You are the only on who says what you want to be like over the course of your life. Nobody will ever get inside your mind and do the thinking for you. Nobody can influence you, you may feel as if you are being forced to do something but you do not have to do anything. You make the final decision. However you act, think, and speak is totally up to you. People grow up from all different kinds of places, backgrounds and families. They will all have different identities. Gender affects the decisions made by people. Their identity and the nature of the human being make them act the way they do. Nobody is the same and nobody will ever be. All the outside influences will have an effect on their identities but the individual has the last word on it. Nobody is the same because each person will form his/her own identity to what ever they want to be like.


There are many origins to a person’s identity, their family, friends, home life, religion, environment and others.

One of the factors of forming an identity will obviously be your family. One’s family is invaluable to them. One’s family may not be his/her biological parents or ever a blood relative at all, but nobody in this world can live from birth without one. But no matter who they are, they will be the people who take care of you when you are sick or aid you when you need help. These people will be there with you for a long time and they will have a major impact on what you turn out to be in the future. A lot of people are fortunate enough to live with a mother and a father. They may even have some brothers and sisters to play with as they grow up. But even with the same family influences, brothers and sisters still do not have the same identities. Some may even say that having a traditional family would be bad for the development of an identity. For example, what kind of identity would a young girl develop if she repeatedly saw her father beat on her mother? She would probably not feel the same as another girl whose father always showed love and caring for her mother. What about a teenager who used drugs as often as he changed his underwear? Would his younger brother, in looking up to him, feel the same as another boy who grew up never seeing an illegal drug before? If family members have no regard for keeping the other members of the family on the right path to being a good person, then what will they become? A good, solid, caring family may give rise to a kinder, gentler person than a family that does not care whether the children get into trouble. Kids grow up seeing their parents and how they act, or not seeing their parents at all. Proper parenting will lead to better identities in their children.


Friends also play a part in a person’s developing an identity; they are also a good indicator of one’s identity. Whether you hang around Wall Street all day or you work on your farm all day, may tell a little about your identity. Neither is better than the other but they probably have different interests and likes. That does not mean they can not be friends and get along, they will just be different.


Gender is a major cause for a person’s identity. A person might act a certain way because of the gender that is given to them. It is often referred that a person might act a certain way because it is in their nature. A person’s nature is a major reason that causes a person’s identity. A person might be mentally sick and just go crazy on people. This is part of the person’s nature; he is going to do what his nature compels him to. A person’s nature might also influence a person to act like a man or a woman. A man might be a man but have feminine traits. This is the nature of his mind. Nature and identity also characterize how the person acts. The nature of someone might make someone act stronger in their own sex. Identity can be seen in even the youngest of children as soon as a child is ready to make their own decision, no matter how trivial the decision might be, the child is starting to create his or her own identity and define their own nature.

Nature and identity might make a woman act the way that she does. A person’s nature might cause a person to want and need things that they already have. Why else would a man, who has a faithful wife for years, cheat on his wife for someone whom he probably barely knows. Siblings grow up together, they play together, and they have fun together. But eventually they will get there own friends and make there own decisions; this also leads to a person’s identity. Not all people like all the same things or people.


A person’s religion can also play a big role in one’s identity. People who grow up belonging to a religion would be a lot more likely to continue on with it when they grow older than someone who never believed in one, to start. Religion can have a rather large effect on a person forming an identity. If a person learns to treat others with respect and kindness as they were young, they may keep it with them as they turn into adults. On the other hand, a religion could have negative effects on a person’s identity. For instance, belonging to a cult that believes in sacrificing animals or even humans would not give a person a very nice identity, especially when compared to a person who grew up as a practicing Roman Catholic. A person’s beliefs can easily lead a person into making a decision, especially regarding ethics or kindness. The person growing up not caring about anything but themselves could easily make a different choice from a person that was taught to be respectful to other people. However, this is not always the case, religion can only work if the person decides to follow it and adhere to it. A person who goes to church every Sunday with their parents and does not care about it will probably not have a large religious effect on their identity, it may even cause the person to think who needs religion, it is useless.


Aggression is a critical part of animal existence, which is an inherent driving force to humans, as we, too, are animals. The source of aggression within humans is a long summative list, but before trying to understand its source one must apply a working definition of aggression. Aggressive behavior is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as any action of an animal that serves to injure an opponent or prey animal or to cause an opponent to retreat. David G. Myers states that aggression is any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy. There are many types of aggressive behaviors, which can be differentiated from the factual act to the hidden motives.

Aggressive behavior has been a huge part of humankind since people first starting walking somewhat erect. Whether it is a caveman clubbing his enemy for stealing his food, or a highly paid sniper sitting atop a roof waiting for a South American dictator to walk out of his house, aggression follows us wherever we might go. Aggression is a force that is hard to imagine and even harder to harness. Should people ever learn to control and thereby use their aggression towards greater good, the walls we now know would crumble easily under the forcing of such a force.


There are many types of aggressive behaviors, which can be differentiated from the factual act to the hidden motives. For example, an aggressive behavior can be negative or positive, accidental or intended, and physical or mental. Aggression can take numerous forms; the act of hitting a wall to release aggression has some of the same roots as playing football and enjoying hitting the quarterback. A child yelling at his parents could be equated, in its aggressiveness, with hitting one’s horn when one is cut off on 495.Aggression is also a relative construct. What might seem like a terribly aggressive act to one person, most often the victim, might seem like an induced response to the perpetrator.


Aggression is usually associated with negative aspects of the world. This is not necessarily true, though. Negativity is but half of the nature of aggression. Aggression can have very positive results. For example, a non-aggressive hockey player gets thrown around and will therefore not perform very well in a bellicose sport. On the other hand, an aggressive player will not allow himself to be thrown around like the aforementioned player and will most likely win the small battles just based on the mentality of the player. Another example of positive aspects of aggression might be a person’s sexual aggressiveness might allow them to obtain a date to prom without any problem, whereas anyone much less aggressive person would be passive and wait for the person to approach them. One good aspects of aggressiveness might be ambitious-ness or assertiveness, an aggressive person is more likely to get what they need done as opposed to the inactive person. Outgoing, a socially positive trait is nothing more than aggressiveness personified. A female high school senior might be more successful and be rewarded (by being voted for Best Personality in the MOCK awards) for being socially aggressive outgoing.


Albert Ellis and William Glasser have been in the mainstream of psychological society for over four decades. Both have contributed greatly to modern psychotherapy. The Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) of Albert Ellis and the Reality therapy of William Glasser have endured the trendy world of psychology and in fact, as they are based in ancient philosophy (Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius), they also remain the foundation for brief therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy. Their strength is in the flexibility and simplicity inherent in each. They go directly to the problem and focus energy there without lengthy psychotherapy. Both prolific writers and dedicated therapists have expanded their views and adapted with the times. They are true humanists in that through non-profit organizations they have been able to alleviate much human suffering by providing sources for personal and professional growth.

In 1955,Albert Ellis used the fundamental concept of truth and logic to help people overcome the obstacles in their lives. By using mans’ high power of rationality Ellis has allowed us to use our cognitive abilities to overcome environmental or social situations. By 1975Ellis combined Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) with Rational Behavior Training (RBT) and with the collaboration of many other noted therapists, created Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). Based on the strongest tenets of cognitive and behavioral therapy, REBT helps individuals to challenge the cause and effect relationships they believe exist between external events and their own emotional states.

William Glasser is a medical doctor, a psychiatrist. He and Dr. G.L. Harrington developed Reality therapy in defiance of traditional psychotherapy, which they saw as severely lacking, being built on the wrong premises. People are not psychotic or demented or schizophrenic, but rather frustrated in fulfilling their basic needs. Glasser can reduce client distress down to a matter of three basic concerns: Reality, Responsibility and Right and Wrong (rectitude). Reality is the unchanging world that the client must live in with all its rules, limitations and demands while trying to fulfill basic psychological needs like love and self respect. Responsibility is inherent within the individual to act in accordance with the confines of it’s rules, limitation, and demands. Right and Wrong have more to do with the choices of behavior that people make and their inherent consequences.


Teenagers face a specific kind of stress. It could be problems at home, from parents, from siblings, e.g., an alcoholic parent, divorce, or it could be problems at school, pressure from teachers and pressure from friends.

Teenagers may also suffer from the high competition for jobs out in the real world. Financial pressure will start to build up around this time. Part time job is scarce and parents don’t have as much money as they did when the teenager was younger.

Educational choices are another stress that teenagers come in contact with. Teenagers will ask themselves: What do I do after high school? And how do I pay for college? These are both good questions, and unfortunately not an easy question to answer.

Then there are the stresses of living at home, which is a place where teenagers need to stay, yet feeling old enough to be on their own. Teenage stress is not so different from those of adults. Teenagers are no longer children, and not yet adults. Hormones, puberty, school responsibilities, and home responsibilities all attack teenagers at one time. Therefore, it is up to teenagers to deal with this stress in a very manageable way.


There is hope for teenagers after all. The first thing to remember is communication. Communication is one of the most important vehicles to use to get out of the stress mode for teenagers. Keeping lines of communication open with parents will greatly help teenagers get away from their stress; however, if their parents are the problem, then teenagers should talk to somebody that they trust.

The second thing for teenagers to remember is the use of their peer support. There are many peer support groups for teenagers throughout the US. Some of the places teens can find support is the Internet, their community, or even their school.

Stress is a part of our lives. It’s likely to happen when we’re experiencing changes, either happy, or upsetting. The main cause of teenage stress is that they behave two ways. Teenagers have one way with their parents and another with their peers. The stress comes from the tiredness of trying to separate the two after a while.