正文 Hernsubanine E, a new hasubanan alkaloid from Step(1 / 2)

Hernsubanine E, a new hasubanan alkaloid from Stephania hernandifolia


ZHANG Nan 2, TANG Li-jia DENG Lu-lu GUAN Huan-yu

ZHANG Jian-xin HAO Xiao-jiang ZHANG Yuan-hu2*

(1.School of Chemistry and Material Science, Guizhou _disibledevent=6.4,8.4 Hz,H-4,8),3.91(12H,s,3′,5′,3″,5″-OCH3),3.09(2H,m,H-1,5); 13C-NMR(CDCl3,100 MHz) δ:54.3(C-1,5),85.9(C-2,6),71.8(C-4,8),131.9(C-1′,1″),102.6(C-2′,2″,6′,6″),147.1(C-3′,3″,5′,5″),134.2(C-4′,4″),56.2(-OCH3). All the spectral data were consistent with(-)-syringaresinol[10].

[Acknowledgments] Thank the Key Laboratory of Chemistry for Natural Products of Guizhou Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences,and the Kunming Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences for the measurement of NMR and HR-EI-MS data.


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