正文 安徽野生鐵皮石斛資源分布與生態環境調查(3 / 3)

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Investigation on wild resources of Dendrobium officinale

distribution and ecological envirment in Anhui

JIN Yan-yan1, FANG Cheng-wu1,2*, YANG Qi-qing3, GAO Xiao-ming1,

ZHANG Chuan-biao4,

ZHANG Ming-yan1, WANG Wu1, WANG Lin5

(1. Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei , China;

2. Bozhou Vocational and Technical College, Bozhou , China;

3. Shucheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Shucheng , China;

4. Anhui No.2 Provincial People’s Hospital, Hefei , China;

5. Shucheng Food and Drug Administration, Shucheng , China)

[Abstract] The wild resources of Dendrobium officinale in Anhui province were studied by textural research, data collection, interview survey and regional survey, in order to investigate the resources distribution and ecological characters and provide the reference for Anhui Dendrobium industry. In this paper, a part of producing areas of wild D. officinale in Anhui province was selected to analyze the ecological characters. As a result, we find that the wild resources of D. officinale in Anhui distributed only sporadic and the conditions of growth environment were harsh. Our findings may provide some suggestions on wild resources protection and artificial cultivation in suitable environments because the wild resources of D. officinale in Anhui are decreasing rapidly and facing an endangered situation.

[Key words] Dendrobium officinale; resources distribution; ecology; wild; Anhui
