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Effects of several factors on cell growth and ginsenoside accumulation of
Panax ginseng suspension culture
LI Tie-jun, LIAN Mei-lan, YU Dan, SHAO Chun-hui, PIAO Xuan-chun*
(Key Laboratory of Nature Resource of Changbai Mountain & Functional Molecular, Yanbian
University, Ministry of Education, Yanji , China)
[Abstract] To improve cell suspension culture system of Panax ginseng, the dynamic of cell growth and medium consumption were studied, and the effects of filter on the culture vessel, revolution number, and inoculation density on cell growth and ginsenoside accumulation were also investigated. The maximum cell growth and ginsenoside accumulation was found on the 20th days of suspension culture, therefore, 20 days were confirmed as a suitable culture period for mass production of ginsenoside. Cell growth and ginsenoside content were promoted when the culture vessel had a ventilated filter. Revolution speed during suspension culture affected cell growth, but not ginsenoside content, a peak of ginsenoside productivity was found in the treatment of 120 r·min-1. Inoculation density also influenced cell growth and ginsenoside accumulation, inoculation density of 6 g was better than other inoculation densities, the ginsenoside content and productivity were up to 12.8 mg·g-1 DW and 146.6 mg·L-1, respectively.
[Key words] ginseng cell; ventilated filter; revolution speed; inoculation density