正文 誘導培養條件顯著改變甘草愈傷組織次生代謝產物的多樣性(3 / 3)

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Significant impact of different induction conditions on metabolic

diversity of callus cell lines of Glycyrrhiza sp.

LIU Feng-cai1, LV Jian-ming2, WU Xiu-zhen1,2, ZHANG Wei1,2*

(1.Department of Biochemical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin , China;

2.Tianjin Acelbio Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Tianjin International Joint Academy of Biotechnology and Medicine,

Tianjin , China)

[Abstract] The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of callus induction and culture conditions on secondary metabolic diversity of the callus cell lines of traditional Chinese medicinal plant Glycyrrhiza sp. (Glycyrrhiza) by combined chemical analysis and HPLC fingerprint. These callus induction conditions included two Glycyrrhiza species, two types of explants, light and dark conditions, and two combinations of hormones. The evaluation was firstly based on the contents of total flavonoids in the callus by chemical analysis and one way ANOVA. The content of total flavonoids in callus was significantly (P

[Key words] Glycyrrhiza; callus; secondary metabolite; fingerprint; HPLC; diversity factor
