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Study on Xinyueshu spray drying assisted with copovidone and
its effect on powder property
JIANG Yan-rong1,2, ZHANG Zhen-hai1, DING Dong-mei1, YAN Hong-mei1, HU Shao-ying1, JIA Xiao-bin1,2 *
(1.Key Laboratory of New Drug Delivery System of Chinese Meteria Medica under State Administration of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing , China;
2.Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing , China)
[Abstract] To study the application characteristics of copovidone(PVP-S630) in Xinyueshu extracts during the spray drying process, and its effect on such pharmaceutical properties as micromeritics and drug release behavior. PVP-S630 was added into Xinyueshu extracts to study on the spray drying, the effect of different dosages of PVP-S630 against the wall sticking effect of the spray drying, as well as the power property of Xinyueshu spray drying power and the dissolution in vitro behavior of the effective component of hyperoside. The results showed that PVP-S630 revealed a significant anti-wall sticking effect, with no notable change in the grain size of the spray drying power, increase in the fluidity, improvement in the moisture absorption and remarkable rise in the dissolution in vitro behavior of hyperoside. It was worth further studying the application of PVP-S630 in spray drying power of traditional Chinese medicine.
[Key words] PVP-S630; spray drying; fluidity; dissolution in vitro