加拿大市值最高、資產最大的銀行—加拿大皇家銀行將考慮開展高達50億加元(49億美元)的收購來擴大其財富管理業務。CFO Janice Fukakusa 表示,皇家銀行青睞有利於股本擴張的交易,“考慮到固定收益周期,在那些能借助資本市場和財富使市場占有率和產品性能得以提高的市場,擴大投資銀行在資本市場份額靠的不是外部收購,而是從內部擴大或者聘用更多的銀行家。資本市場的增長是有機增長,我們沒有考慮不斷收購資本市場平台或公司,發展靠的是團隊自身的成長。”
General Motors CFO Dan Ammann
General Motors expects to remain a player in the Australian market, but whether that includes functioning as a local producer depends on cost controls and to some extent actions by its competi tors, Chief Financial Offi cer Dan Ammann tells WardsAuto. “As the world evolves and as the dynamics of how we do business in a parti cular market change, we adjust course and modify our approach to remain in a viable and profitable position in the market while meeting all the needs of our customer base,” he says, citi ng in additi on to labor costs factors such as trade rules and currency-exchange rates as key decision-driving factors. “We have to look at the relati ve merits of any parti cular market and what the cost equati on is there,” he says. Ammann says those costs are not restricted to manpower.
“通用汽車希望能保持在澳大利亞市場的一席之地,但能否在當地生產取決於成本控製,同時在某種程度上還要關注競爭對手的舉動。”通用汽車CFO Dan Ammann表示,“隨著世界的發展和在特定市場經營模式的改變,我們不斷調整方向,尋找可行方法,在盡可能保持盈利的同時滿足客戶的全部需求。”他強調,勞動力成本、貿易規則和彙率都成為影響決策的關鍵驅動因素。“我們既要看清特定市場的優缺點,又要弄清該地區的成本方程式,而不是隻限於勞動力成本。”