Wells Fargo & Co. CFO Tim Sloan
Wells Fargo & Co. Chief Financial Officer Tim Sloan said he doesn’t foresee a new housing bubble even as home prices rise at more than 10 percent annually. “Whenever you see a double-digit rise in the valuati ons of any asset, whether it is a house or stock or anything, it is cause for some level of concern,” said Sloan, 53. While home lending probably will slow as rates rise, the mortgage market will stay strong this year, Sloan said. Wells Fargo, which is also expanding its investment bank, doesn’t need to buy another fi rm to compete with the largest in the industry, Sloan said. “We are very happy with the progress we have had in terms of growing the business,” Sloan said. It’s a “big opportunity for us,” he said. Sti ll, “we do not need to make acquisiti ons in the investment-banking business to grow.”
美國最大的抵押貸款銀行—富國銀行CFO蒂姆·斯隆(Tim Sloan)認為,即便房價以每年高於10%的速度增長,也不會再次引發房產泡沫。“任何資產估值出現兩位數的增長速度都會引起一定程度的擔憂,無論是房產、股票或其他任何東西。雖然房屋貸款可能會因利率的上升而減弱,但抵押貸款市場今年仍將保持強勁。” 蒂姆·斯隆說,“富國銀行也在擴大其投資銀行,但不需要購買其他銀行來與行業龍頭競爭。我們的業務增長還是非常令人滿意的,目前是一個很大的機遇,我們無需收購投資銀行業務就能保持穩定增長。”
Royal Bank of Canada CFO Janice Fukakusa
Chief Financial Offi cer of Royal Bank of Canada Janice Fukakusa said, “We’re looking at expanding some of our product capability and distribution capability in markets where we have a lower presence.” Royal Bank would favor deals that expanded its equity capability, “given where the fi xedincome cycle is,” she said. “That would be in markets where we have some other distributi on or product capability, through capital markets or wealth and we’re trying to enhance that capability,”she said. The lender isn’t looking for acquisiti ons to expand its RBC Capital Markets investmentbanking unit, preferring to expand internally or by hiring bankers, Fukakusa said.“The growth in capital markets is organic growth,” she said. “We have not contemplated an acquisiti on of a capital markets platf orm or a company, it’s more along the lines of getti ng teams.”