作者:郝曉燕 梁春莉
[摘要] 目的 探討血漿腦鈉肽(BNP)濃度在小兒全身炎症反應綜合征臨床分級及預後中的臨床意義。 方法 76例患兒分為全身炎症反應綜合征組36例、膿毒症組22例、嚴重膿毒症18例,在入院後的第1天、第3天、第5~7 天應用幹式免疫熒光定量法測定其血漿BNP濃度。 結果 嚴重膿毒症患兒各時間點血漿BNP濃度均高於全身炎症反應綜合征組及膿毒症組,差異有統計學意義(P
[關鍵詞] 小兒全身炎症反應綜合征;膿毒症;嚴重膿毒症;腦鈉肽
[中圖分類號] R605.977;R459.7 [文獻標識碼] B [文章編號] 1673-9701(2015)09-0041-03
The clinical significance of plasma B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP) for children with SIRS
HAO Xiaoyan1 LIANG Chunli2
1.Graduate Department of Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China;2.Special Ward,Children's Hospital of Shanxi, Taiyuan 030001,China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate and evaluate of the levels of plasma B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) of children with SIRS in prognosis and risk stratification significance. Methods The study patients consisted of 76 children,including 36 children with SIRS, 22 children with sepsis and 18 children with severe sepsis. Quantitative immunocytochemistry and ELISA methods was used to detect plasma BNP of all the children in the first day,the third day and the fifth to seventh day. Results The levels of plasma BNP in children with severe sepsis were higher than those in the children with SIRS or sepsis(P
[Key words] SIRS;Sepsis;Severe sepsis;BNP
收集2010~2013年在我院收治的符合2005 年《中華兒科雜誌》上刊載的國際兒科膿毒症定義會議介紹中關於小兒全身炎症反應綜合征、膿毒症、嚴重膿毒症診斷標準[1]的患兒76例,診斷標準:全身炎症反應綜合征(SIRS),至少出現下列四項標準的兩項,其中一項必須包括體溫或白細胞計數異常:①中心溫度>38.5℃或