(1) 從專業培養目標、專業定位、專業特色和人才培養規格出發,切實做好各門課程的課程內容設計和課程之間的接口設計,避免授課的隨意性。各門課程的教學大綱要與培養方案做配套的修訂,教學大綱的修訂要從基礎性、應用性和實踐性三個角度突出各門課程的核心概念、基本方法、基本原理、基本機製和典型應用案例。
(2) 課程考點設計就是一門課程最基礎、最核心和最關鍵的概念、原理、方法和機製無論以何種題型出現,都必須要考,而且要明確考到哪個程度。
(3) 製定配套課程之間的先後邏輯關係圖;根據學生的不同情況,做好分流指導方案的製定,以避免學生選課的盲目性,進一步落實因材施教。
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Studies of Curriculum System of Information Management and Information System Based on Adaptable Job
LI Hong-bo, ZOU Hai-lin
(School of Information Science and Engineering, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, China)
Abstract: Inorder to adapt for the requirements of various levels on which economics and society develop, the ones of diversified developments that different college students need and the essencial ones that Ministry of Education have orderd. Started from professional jobs, we designed two Major Interests, curriculum and various kinds of systems of curriculum based on the poplar development levels of management information system when we modified personnel training scheme of information management and information system. At the same time the relationship of the liberal arts and the science and engineering, the one of principle and practice and the one of generalists and experts were uniformedly managed.
Key words: job; society requirement; currilum; system; adaptable