[摘要] 為挖掘紅腺忍冬綠原酸生物合成的關鍵酶基因,應用生物信息學方法從紅腺忍冬基因組數據庫中篩選出4個新基因LHPAL4,LHHCT1,LHHCT2,LHHCT3,並預測其編碼蛋白的結構和功能。序列分析結果表明,紅腺忍冬LHPAL4與LHPAL1關係密切;LHHCT1,LHHCT3,LHHQT2關係密切,LHHCT2單獨聚為一類。通過Real-time PCR 檢測4個新基因在紅腺忍冬不同組織中的轉錄情況,發現LHPAL4,LHHCT1,LHHCT3在敗花中表達量最高,LHHCT2在葉中的表達量最高,為揭示不同部位活性成分含量差異機製提供依據,也為活性成分的合成生物學提供元件。
[關鍵詞] 紅腺忍冬;活性成分;基因家族;變異分析
[Abstract] To obtain the key genes for chlorogenic acid biosynthesis of Lonicera hypoglauca, four new genes ware obtained from the our dataset of L. hypoglauca. And we also predicted the structure and function of LHPAL4, LHHCT1, LHHCT2 and LHHCT3 proteins.The phylogenetic tree showed that LHPAL4 was closely related with LHPAL1, LHHCT1 was closely related with LHHCT3, LHHCT2 clustered into a single group. By Real-time PCR to detect the gene expressed level in different organs of L. hypoglauca, we found that the transcripted level of LHPAL4, LHHCT1 and LHHCT3 was the highest in defeat flowers, and the transcripted level of LHHCT2 was the highest in leaves. These result provided a basis to further analysis the mechanism of active ingredients in different organs, as well as the element for in vitro biosynthesis of active ingredients.
[Key words] Lonicera hypoglauca; active ingredients; gene family; variance analysis
紅腺忍冬Lonicera hypoglauca Miq.為忍冬科忍冬屬植物,又名菰腺忍冬、盤腺忍冬、腺背忍冬等,其花蕾或初開的花被作為藥材山銀花使用[1]。紅腺忍冬中的主要活性成分為酚酸類、黃酮類化合物,其中綠原酸(chlorogenic acid)的含量最高[2],具有抗菌、抗病毒、增高白血球、保肝利膽、抗腫瘤、降血壓、降血脂、清除自由基和興奮中樞神經係統等作用[3]。綠原酸是由咖啡酸(caffeic acid)與奎尼酸(quinic acid)生成的縮酚酸,是植物體在有氧呼吸過程中經莽草酸途徑產生的一種苯丙素類化合物[4],其最初是由L-苯丙氨酸在苯丙氨酸解旋酶(phenylalanine amononiar-lyase,PAL),4-coumarate CoA ligase (4CL),cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H)的作用下生成p-coumaroyl-CoA,然後在hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA quinate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HQT)的作用下生成綠原酸[5]。
1 材料與方法
1.1 基因預測 利用BLASTx 軟件分別以忍冬PAL,HQT蛋白序列(JX068601- JX068613,ACZ52698,JF261014)作為查詢序列搜索紅腺忍冬的基因組(Unpublished data),e-value