正文 白芷中3個主要活性成分含量測定及其質量評價研究(1 / 3)




[摘要] 采用高效液相色譜(HPLC)的方法,以Platisil ODS C18色譜柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),流動相乙腈-水,流速1.0 mL·min-1,柱溫30 ℃,檢測波長254 nm的色譜條件下同時測定白芷藥材中的白當歸素、歐前胡素和異歐前胡素等3個指標成分的含量。結果顯示白當歸素、歐前胡素和異歐前胡素的分離度良好,在選定的濃度範圍內線性關係良好(R2≥0.999 8),平均加樣回收率分別為100.83%,100.10%,103.52%,RSD分別為1.7%,0.77%,0.41%(n= 6)。表明所建立的方法重複性、耐用性良好,並對不同批次不同產地的白芷藥材進行分析,結果顯示產自安徽亳州和河南長葛的白芷中所測定的3個成分高於其他產地,為白芷藥材的質量評價和控製提供科學依據。

[關鍵詞] 白芷;高效液相色譜;含量測定

[Abstract] A HPLC method has been developed in the current investigation for simultaneous determination of three chemical markers of by akangelicin,imperatorin and isoimperatorin in Radix Angelicae Dahuricae. Separation was performed at 30 ℃ on achromatographic column of Platisil ODS C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm).The mobile phase was acetonitrile-water.The flow rate was 1.0 mL·min-1 and the detection wavelength was 254 nm.The results showed that the three chemical markers could be well resolved and that in the selected linear range, all calibration curves of the three chemical markers showed good linearity (R2≥0.999 8). The recoveries of byakangelicin,imperatorin and isoimperatorin were 100.83%,100.10% and 103.52%, respectively,and RSD were 1.7%, 0.77% and 0.41%(n=6), respectively. The data suggested that the developed HPLC method had good reproducibility,robustness,and accuracy, which was suitable for the quality control of Radix Angelicae Dahuricae. Applications of this method showed that the three chemical markers had higher contents in the Bozhou Anhui and Changge Henan than others.

[Key words] Angelhca dahurica; HPLC; quantitative determination


中藥白芷為傘形科植物白芷Angelica dahurica(Fisch. ex Hoffm.)Benth. et Hook.或杭白芷A. dahurica(Fisch. ex Hoffm)Benth. et Hook.f.var. formosana(Boiss.)Shan et Yuan的幹燥根。在臨床上,常用於感冒頭痛,鼻塞流涕,鼻淵,牙痛,帶下,瘡瘍腫痛等疾病的治療[4]。特別是與元胡配伍,即元胡止痛方,筆者所在課題組對該方劑采用“化學指紋-代謝指紋-網絡靶標”三維模式研究,結果發現,白芷中歐前胡素、異歐前胡素和白當歸素在元胡止痛方中含量比較高[5-6];且具有較好的吸收特性,能在大鼠血漿中檢測到[7-8];特別在網絡藥理學研究時,發現該類成分可與鎮痛、抗炎和抗腫瘤等作用的受體結合[9]。因此,本文章擬采用高效液相色譜法,對白芷中白當歸素、歐前胡素和異歐前胡素3個成分進行含量測定研究,並對不同批次、產地的白芷進行定量研究。

1 材料

Agilent 1200高效液相色譜儀,G1315B二極管陣列檢測器,METTLER TOLEDO XS105 Dual Range 型1/10萬電子分析天平,Sartorius BP110S型1/1萬電子分析天平,KH3200E型超聲波清洗器(昆山和創超聲儀器有限公司)。