正文 自體組織移植聯合負壓創麵治療技術在創傷性創麵治療中的應用(1 / 3)






[中圖分類號]R622 [文獻標誌碼]A [文章編號]1008-6455(2015)14-0001-04

Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical analysis of autologous tissue transplantation combined with negative pressure wound therapy in the treatment of traumatic wound in. Methods From April 2010 to April 2012 in our hospital income of traumatic wounds were 64 cases.All patients were taken negative pressure wound therapy.The wounds were chosen flap transplant or skin graft surgery. Results 64 patients wound secretions bacterial culture,culture positive patients in 37 cases,the positive rate for 57.81%.64 cases were treated by flap transplantation were 30 cases,34 cases of skin graft surgery,flap transplantation surgery,the excellent and good rate was 96.67%,skin graft,the excellent and good rate was 88.24%,the difference does _disibledevent=0.05,以P

2 結果

2.1 創麵細菌培養結果


2.2 手術方式與創麵愈合評價