正文 大洋縱列海鞘中的嘌呤和哢啉生物堿成分研究(3 / 3)

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Purine and carboline alkaloids from ascidian Symplegma oceania

ZHAO Shu,ming1, 2, LU Ya,nan1, TIAN Xiao,qing1, YANG Qiao1, YU Hui,juan1, FAN Cheng,qi

[Abstract] Five purine and carboline alkaloids were isolated from the methanol extract of the ascidian Symplegma oceania. Classic chromatographies including preparative HPLC were used for isolation and purification of the compounds. The structures were established as 6,methoxy,7,methyl,8,oxoguanine (1), 2,methylimino,3,methyl,6,methylamino, 9H,purine (2), 1,2,3,4,tetrahydro,β,carboline (3), 1,2,3,4,tetrahydro,1,methyl,β,carboline (4) and 1,2,3,4,tetrahydro,β,carboline,3,carboxylic acid (5) by comparison the spectroscopic data (MS,1H, 13C,NMR) with those reported in the literatures. Compounds 2,5 were reported from the the genus Symplegma for the first time. The purine and carboline were the major alkaloid types of S. oceania.

[Key words] Styelidae; Symplegma oceania; purine; carboline
