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Study on inflammatory effect of toxic raphides from Pinellia ternate and

its correlation with macrophages

ZHAO Teng,fei ZHANG Qian ZHANG Wen WU Hao1, 2, 3*, YU Hong,li1,2,3, WANG Hui,zhu1,4

(1. College of Pharmacology, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing , China;

2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Processing, Nanjing , China;

3. Engineering Research Center for Standardization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing under

State Ministry of Education, Nanjing , China;

4. Pharmacologic Laboratory for Standardization of Traditional Chinese Medicine under State Ministry of

Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing , China)

[Abstract] Objective: To study the toxic mechanism of toxic raphides from Pinellia ternata. Method: Mouse peritoneal macrophage in vitro culture model was adopted to study dose,dependent and time,dependent curves of toxic raphides, with TNF,α, IL,1β and IL,6 in supernatant as indexes. Scanning electron microscopy was used to observe the changes in surface morphology of raphides,treated macrophages. Macrophages,neutrophils co,cultured the transport model to study the effect of toxic raphides′ stimulation of macrophages on neutrophils migration. Result: Toxic raphides′ stimulation of macrophages could cause the increase in the levels of TNF,α, IL,1β and IL,6 released, and showed dose dependence and time dependence. Scanning electron microscopy showed that toxic raphides were swallowed by macrophages, with notable cell membrane creases, increase in the number of pseudopods and decrease in integrity of cell membranes, and could significantly induce migration of neutrophils. Conclusion: The inflammatory process induced by toxic raphides is mainly mediated by macrophages. The toxic mechanism of toxic raphides from P. ternata is that toxic raphides penetrate into tissues to activate resident macrophages, release phagocytic and inflammatory cytokines, and cause migration of neutrophils, which finally results in acute inflammatory response.

[Key words] toxic raphides from Pinellia ternata; macrophage; inflammatory cytokine; scanning electron microscopy; neutrophil chemotaxis