正文 培元通滯法在艾滋病中的應用(3 / 3)


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Application of cultivating Yuan and clearing blockage method on HIV/AIDS

HUANG Shi-jing*, ZHANG Xiao-nan

(Traditional Chinese Medicine R&D Center, Guang′anmen Hospital, China Academy of

Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing , China)

[Abstract] According to HIV/AIDS being infectious and have a very long period of incubation, leading to immune system weakened and infected easily,we summarized its pathmechanism including Yuan Qi deficiency (vigour deficiency)and constraint (Qi depression,blood stagnancy, phlegm coagulation,poison accumulation), consequently treatment principle were raised——cultivates the Yuan and clear blockage. From viscera and Qi, blood,Yin and Yang perspective, we elaborate corresponding clinical application method and train of thought, that cultivating the Yuan method means tonify Qi firstly which emphasizes on the spleen and the kidney; Clear blockage method contains relieving liver for smooth Qi, invigorating spleen to remove phlem, promoting blood circulation and detoxification.In addition, cultivating the Yuan and clear blockage should cooperate closely based on traditional Chinese medicine diffrentiation, tonify deficiency should not used individually and vice verse.

[Key words] cultivates the Yuan and clear blockage; HIV/AIDS; therapy; train of thought discussion


[責任編輯 陳玲]