正文 艾滋病防治中的倫理學問題及對策(3 / 3)



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Ethical issues and countermeasures in AIDS prevention


(Guang′ anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing , China)

[Abstract] With the rapid spread of AIDS, the ethical issues of its prevention is intensify more and more, it mainly reflected in the four areas such as discrimination of disease and moral panic, individual rights and public health, privacy and right to know, social responsibility and behavior guidance. To resolve these ethical conflicts and safeguard legitimate rights of AIDS patients, we must adhere to love and tolerance, favorable and fair, the principles of autonomy and coordination, thus promoting AIDS prevention, maintaining social ethics and justice, equal and harmonious reconstruction of the ethical relationship.

[Key words] AIDS; ethics; ethical analysis


[責任編輯 陳玲]