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Applications of acupuncture in relieving AIDS-related symptoms
YANG Xiao-chen1, LU Jun2, TANG Yan-li1, WU Xin-fang1, LI Yong1*
(1.Guang′anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing , China;
2.Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing , China)
[Abstract] AIDS is a serious threat to human health and has become a global public health problem. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) can effectively reduce AIDS mortality rate, but has limitations in improving the patient′s symptoms and improve quality of life. The literatures about the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on HIV/AIDS were reviewed. The symptoms of HIV/AIDS and the procedures of treatments were analyzed. The acupuncture intervention on HIV/AIDS was investigated. It showed that the acupuncture intervention may markedly improve the condition of HIV/AIDS. From a clinical point of view,we discussed the acupuncture treatment of AIDS-related symptoms, effectiveness and safety evaluation. It may contribute to build a comprehensive treatment system in which acupuncture is dominated for HIV/AIDS.
[Key words] HIV/AIDS; acupuncture-moxibustion; review