正文 艾滋病相關性腫瘤研究進展(3 / 3)

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Research progress of AIDS-related cancer

GONG Hong-xia, LIU Jie, LIN Hong-sheng*

(Oncology Department of Guang′anmen Hospital of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,

Beijing , China)

[Abstract] Kaposi′s sarcoma, non-hodgkin′s lymphoma and invasive cervical was named AIDS-related cancer. This article introduces the appeal tumor research progress of modern medicine, and raises that antivirus、immune reconstitution and antitumor are the key factors in the treatment of AIDS-related cancer. Traditional Chinese medicine may play a role in the following aspect: relieve antiviral drug adverse reaction,have some antiviral effect,adjust the immune function,enhance efficacy and decrease toxicity of radiotherapy. According to the patients′ immune function and the treatment phase, etc.It will contribute to improve the patients′lives and prolong the survival period to establish reasonable and comprehensive treatment strategies and to combine holistic therapy with individual therapy.

[Key words] AIDS; AIDS-related Kaposi′s sarcoma;AIDS-related non-hodgkin′s lymphom;AIDS-related invasive cervical cancer;antivirus; immune reconstitution


[責任編輯 陳玲]