“You kept walking along and you saw many people passing by.The book said;‘everyone smiled as I drift past the flowers that grow so incredibly high’.The sunflowers were three-story-tall.(你繼續走著,還看到許多人與你擦身而過,書上寫著‘我走過異常高大的向日葵林蔭道,人們都對我微笑’,你還說那些向日葵有三層樓高。)
“In another sentence you described these sunflowers something like this;‘cellophane flowers of yellow and green towering over my head’.(描寫向日葵的句子,你是這麼寫的:‘半空中那些黃色的花朵和綠色的葉子,好像塑膠玻璃紙做的,呈半透明的模樣’。)”
“When the sun goes down behind the tangerine tree,the poet says‘a tangerine tree and marmalade skies’.(當太陽西下時,你的故事裏說那是‘橘子樹和橘子醬的天空’。)”
“The most intersting expressions are these;‘Her eyes are shining like diamonds’,‘a girl with kaleidoscope eyes’.(還有更有趣的描述:‘她的眼珠子會像鑽石一樣閃閃發光’、‘她的眼睛像萬花筒般閃亮’。”
我一直看著艾剛,然後說“These expressions remind me of the 60s. I could have been singing these with my classmates, do you understand what I mean?(這些詞句,讓我想起了60年代,我以前可能和我的老同學們一起唱過。你知道我在說什麼嗎?)”
“You see?These certainly are all lyrics.Very famous lyrics from one of the hit songs called‘Lucy in the sky with Diamonds’by the Beatles!(懂了嗎?這些句子都是歌詞。這是一首披頭士(注釋26:一隊來自英國利物浦的著名流行及搖滾樂團。於1960年成立,成員包括約翰·列儂、保羅·麥卡裏、喬治·哈裏森以及林格·史塔。他們在發行超過40張的冠軍單曲、大碟以及EP,全球各地的唱片總銷量超過十億張)的名曲,叫做《露西在星鑽閃爍的夜空中》。)
“原來如此,這個故事的情景就是Lucy in