18.積善之家必有餘慶,積不善之家必有餘殃——出自《坤·文言》(1 / 1)





A family that accumulates goodness is sure to enjoy superabundant happiness, and a family that accumulates evil is sure to have superabundant misery.——- from The Record of Wen Yan, Kun

Modern interpretation: A family that does good things one after another is bound to be always happy. On the contrary, a family with repeated evils is always shadowed in misfortune.

Moral: Things grow through accumulation. So we should be specially careful and prudent about trivial matters.

Glossary: The Book of Changes expounds laws of nature and society. Kun symbolizes evil for it indicates accumulation, calamity and wickedness. According to the truth that yang brings about life while yin takes life, the book explains the great significance of running the state well and cultivating our moral characters.