Procurement Manager 采購經理
Procurement Agency 采購代辦所
Sales Assistant 銷售助理
er Manager 客戶經理
Vice-President of Marketing 市場副總裁
Regional er Manager 地區客戶經理
Sales Administrator 銷售主管
Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席執行官
Director of Operations 運營總監
Vice-President 副總裁
Branch Manager 部門經理
Retail Store Manager 零售店經理
HMO Product Manager 產品經理
老話說:兔子不吃窩邊草。這成了很多職場人最初入行時選擇戀人的一條戒律,但時間久了,有幾人能獨善其身,高傲到底?辦公室戀情每天都在上演,那麼不可思議,又如此轟轟烈烈。在許多公司,並沒有明確禁止同事之間談戀愛,甚至還有很多公司為單身員工舉行聯誼活動。實際上,在一些禁止“辦公室戀情”的公司,也潛伏著 “杜拉拉和王偉”這樣的地下情侶。更有一些“辦公室戀情”開花結果,兩人終成眷屬。
Key words & Sentences
Unless you’re in parate locations, offiances are a bad idea.
If you bee involved with your boss, your aplishments and promotions will be suspect.
if you date a subordinate, you leave yourlf open to charges of xual harassment.
And if it ends badly, you’re at risk of everyone knowing about it and witnessing the unpleasantness.
Forty pert of US workers have dated an office colleague, with 31 pert of them going on te, acc to a survey relead on Tuesday.
Ten pert work with someohey would like to date and 18 pert have dated a co-worker twiore at some time in their careers, the offiance survey for online job website CareerBuilder. showed.
The opinion is differeween the xes, with 14 pert of men but just 5 pert of women saying they would like to date a colleague.
Of tho who dated a co-worker in the last year, a third said it was someoh a more nior position in the pany. Of tho, 42 pert have dated their boss.
Nearly three-quarters said they did not have to keep their romance a cret but 7 pert said they had left a job due to an offiance.