Part 2 Learn English with joy(2 / 3)






13 What A Coincidence

Four expectant fathers were in Minneapolis hospital waiting foom,while their wives were in labor.The nurse comes in and tells the first man,“Congratulations!Youu0027re the father of twins!\"

“What a coincidence!\" the man exclaims. “I work for the Minnesota Twins Baseball Tearn!\"

The nurse returns a short while later and tells the second man,“You are the father of triplets!\"

“Wow,what a coincidence!\" he replies.“I work for the 3M Corporation!\"

When the nurse comes again,she tells the third man that his wife has given birth to quadruplets.

“Another coincidence! I work for the Four Seasons Hotel!\"

At this point,the fourth guy faints. When he comes to,the others ask whatu0027s wrong.“Whatu0027s wrong?! I work for Seven-Eleven!\"









14 Who Had the Most Tragic Death

Three men stood by the Golden Gate and St.Peter said,“Sorry,weu0027re all filled up so only one of you can come into heaven.So,out of you three, the one who had the most tragic death of all may enter and the rest of you had better put on some sunscreen.\"

The first man spoke,“Well I am a newlywed and I tend to get jealous of my wife and her male friends,so I forbid her to see any of them while I was at work.But today I came home early and saw two wine glasses on the coffee table and when I asked my wife what was going on,she blushed and was silent.I searched the entire house for her male friend and finally I spotted someoneu0027s hands grasping the railing on our balcony.In a fit of rage I stomped on the hands until the rascal fell 15 stories down into the BFI bin below.When I realized he was still alive.I unhooked my fridge and threw it over the railing.In the process of doing this,I had a heart attack.\"

St.Peter replied, “Wow,thatu0027s too bad.Next?\"

The second man began to speak,“I am a window washer and I was minding my own business and washing the 17th story windows at an apartment when my safety rope snapped and I began to fall.I reached out and in a stroke of luck, grabbed onto a balcony railing on the 15th story.I was trying to catch my breath and waited for someone to rescue me when some lunatic started to stomp on my hands until I lost my grip and fell into the BFI bin below.I opened my eyes in disbelief only to see a fridge come crashing down onto my head.\"

St.Peter replied,“My,my...that is bad.Next?\"

The third man spoke last,“Well,I was hiding in the fridge when...\"








15 Three Pople

There were three people stranded on an island,a brunette,a redhead,and a blonde. The brunette looked over the water to the mainland and eatimated about 20 miles to shore.So she announced, “Iu0027m going to try to swim to shore.\" So she swam out five miles,and got really tired.She swam out ten miles from the island,and she was too tired to go on ,so she drowned.

The second one, the redhead,said to herself,“I wonder if she made it. I guess itu0027s better to try to get to the mainland than stay here and starve.\" So she attempts to swim out.The redhead had a lot more endurance than the brunette,as she swam out 10 miles before she even got tired.After 15 miles,she was too tired to go on,so she drowned.

So the blonde thought,“I wonder if they made it! I think Iu0027d better try to make it,too.\" So she swam out 5 miles, ten miles,15 miles, NINETEEN miles from the island.The shore was just in sight,but she said,“Iu0027m too tired to go on!\" So she swam back.





16 A Doctor Who Never Asks Questions

A very bad-tempered man once fell ill and had to go and see the doctor.He did not want to go because he neither liked nor trusted doctors.In his opinion,all doctors were quacks who made money by cheating their patients.But since he was very ill and in qain,he had no choice.In the chinic, the doctor made him sit down in a chair and began asking him questions with concern.

“Whatu0027s your complaint?\"

“Humph,you are the doctor.Itu0027s your business to know. Why do you ask me? If youu0027re competent,you should be able to see for yourself!\"

“Er...Let me take your temperature,\" said the doctor, putting a thermometer in the patientu0027s mouth.

“I donu0027t want that thing in my mouth!\" grumbled the man.“If you canu0027t tell whatu0027s wrong with me,just be honest about it. I can go somewhere else.\"

“I truly regret that I canu0027t do much for you,\" admitted the doctor apologetically.“But I know a specialist who is very good at treating patients like you.He never asks questions,never. Hereu0027s his card.You go to him I referred you to him.\"

The bad-tempered man snatched the card and letf the chinic without a word.

When he was in the street, he glanced at teh card,which said, “OR. JAMES KUTANOVICH. CERTIFIED VETERINARIAN\".



17 A Blonde Borrows

A blonde walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. She says sheu0027s going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5000.The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for the loan,so the blonde hands over the keys to a new Rolls Royce.The car is parked on the streetin front of the bank, she has the title and everything checks out.The bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The banku0027s president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the blonde for using a $250000 Rolls as collateral against a $ 5000 loan.An employee of the bank then proceeds to drive the Rolls into the banku0027s underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later,the blonde retruns,repays the $5000 and the interest,which comes to $ 15.41.The loan officer says, “Miss,we are very happy to have had your business,and this transaction has worked out very nicely,but we are a little puzzled.While you were away,we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire.What puzzles us is,why would you bother to borrow $ 5000?\"

The blonde replies, “Where else in New York City can I park my car for two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there when I return?\"





18 Pool Party

One day a rich guy is having a party at his house.He is loaded,and he has everything:money,a big house in Beverley Hills,drugs,girls,cars,planes; anything he wants.The guy is also a little eccentric,and he has filled his pool with crocodiles.So there he is,and his friends all standing around drinking,getting high and partying next to the pool.

The guy gets up on the life guard tower and all his friends look up.He calls for silence and says,“OK,the first person he swims across my pool will get all my money and my house.\"

Still no one moves.“OK then,the first person he swims across my pool gets all my money,my house and all my cars and planes.\"

Still, no one moves,not even a eye blinks this time.“OK then,all my money,my house, all my cars,all my planes,all the dope you can handle, all my property,all my stocks and bonds and investments and all the girls you can handle; everything I own.\"

“Splash!\" Someoneu0027s in the pool. Crocodiles are all over him, but he roll sover like Tarzan, heu0027s all over the place, fighting and dodging. Finally be gets out of the pool on the other side.The rich guy on tower jumps down and runs over to him.

“That was incredible!I never thought that I would ever see that done.Do you want the money now or later?\"

“I donu0027t want the money.\"

“Do you want the house now or later?\"

“I donu0027t want the house.\"

“Do you want the cars and planes now or later?\"

“I donu0027t want the cars or the planes.\"

“Do you want the bonds,stocks and stuff now or later?\"

“I donu0027t want that either.\"

“Do you want the drugs now or later?\"

“I donu0027t want the drugs.\"

“Do you want the girls now or later?\"

“I donu0027t want the girls.\"

The rich guy looks at him and says,“Well,what the hell do you want?!?!\"

“I want the bastard that pushed me in.\"






















19 Hot Air Balloon

A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost.He reduces height and spots a man down below.He lowers the balloon further and shouts:

“Excuse me,can you tell me where I am?\"

The man below says:“Yes,youu0027re in a hot air balloon,hovering 30 feet above this field.\"

“Thank you very much indeed.You must work in Information Technology,\"says the balloonist.

“I do,\" replies the man.“How did you know?\"

“Well,\" says the balloonist,“youu0027ve given me a smart-alec response to a straightforward question,and although everything you have told me is technically correct,itu0027s of no use to anyone!\"

The man below hollers back,“You must be a very senior manager in business.\"

“I am,\" replies the balloonist,“but how can you tell?\" “well,”says the man,\" you donu0027t know where you are, or where youu0027re going,but you expect me to be able to help.Youu0027re in the same position you were before we met,but now itu0027s my fault.\"











20 An Englishman

An Englishman was visiting Paris for the first time.He was staying at a hotel.He went down to have breakfast on the first day,and sat with a Frenchman.

The Frenchman smiled and said,“Bon appetit.\" “That is his name,\" thought the Englishman.He smiled back and said his own name,“Sidebottom.\" The next morning,Sidebottom came down for breakfast and saw the Frenchman again.

Sidebottom was a bit surprised to hear his name again.But he answered in the same way,“Sidebottom\". This happened every morning for about a week.

At the end of the week, a friend of Sidebottomu0027s arrived from England.“Iu0027m having a very good time,\" he said.“Iu0027ve met a very nice Frenchman.His name is Bon Appetit.\" “That isnu0027t his name,\" said the friend,“The French often say it before a meal.\"

The next morning,the Englishman and Frenchman sat at the same able,“Bon appetit!\" the Englishman shouted.

The Frenchman looked at him and smiled.“Sidebottom.\" he answered.


一個英國人第一次到法國,住在一個旅館裏。第一天早上,他下樓去吃早飯,坐在一個法國人旁邊。那個法國人微笑著說:“祝你胃口好。”“那一定是他的名字,”英國人想。於是他也微笑著說了自己的名字,“Sidebotton。”第二天早上, Sidebottom下樓吃早飯又遇到了那個法國人。

Sidebottom又一次聽到那個法國人的名字,他有點吃驚,但他還是同樣回答道,“ Sidetbttom.”在這以後的將近一個星期裏,每個早上都發生了相同的情況。

在那個星期的周末,Sidebottom的一個英國朋友碰到了他。“我過得很愉快,”他說,“我遇到了一個很有趣的法國人,他的名字叫‘ Bon Appetit (祝你胃口好)’”


第二天早上,英國人和法國人又坐在了同一張桌子上,“祝你胃口好!”英國人大聲說。法國人看著他,帶著微笑,“ Sidebottom.”他回答道。

21 False Advertising

A young woman who was several months pregnant boarded a bus.When she noticed a young man smiling at her she began feeling humiliated on account of her condetion.She changed her seat and he seemed more amused.She moved again and then on her fourth move he burst out laughing.She had him arrested.

When the case came before the court,the young man was as asked why he acted in such a manner.His reply was:“When the lady boarded the bus I couldnu0027t help noticing she was pregnant. She sat under an advertisement which read“Coming Soon The Gold Dust Twins\",then she moved under one that read “Sloans Liniments Remove Swelling\".I was even more amused when she sat under a shaving advertisement which read“William Stick Did The Trick\". Then I could not control myself any longer when on the fourth move she sat under an advertisement which read “Dunlop Rubber Would Have Prevented This Accident.\"




22 City Fellow

The city fellow asked his friend the country boy to take him deer he had never been hunting before.The country boy agreed to this, as long as the city fellow did EXACTLY what he was told to do.

The two men got their gear together and went into the woods.The country boy told the city fellow to sit down on a log that lay beside a deer trail,and that if he stayed quiet and waited, the deer would come right by him on the way to the creek,and he would be able go get a good shot. The country boy said that he was going to go on down the trail about a mile to another good spot,and he would be back to meet the city fellow later.

But a few hours later,the country boy heard all kinds of yelling and screaming as the city fellow came running down the trail! “well, whatu0027s wrong with you?\" he asked the city fellow. “why didnu0027t you stay where I told you to?\"

The city fellow, stull very excited, replied, “Well,when the bobcat came over and sharpened his claws on the log,I didnu0027t move. When the bear came and sat on the other end of the log,I didnu0027t move.But when the two squirrels came up,climbed into my lap and then one said to the other,‘Shall we take them with us or eat them here’,well I just couldnu0027t stand it any more!\"






23 Engineering VS·English Majors

An English and engineering convention was being held.On the train to the convention,there were both English majors and engineering majors.Each of the English majors had his\/her own train ticket. But the engineers had only ONE ticket for all of them.

The English majors started laughing and snickering. The engineers ignored the laughter.Then,one of the engineers said,“Here comes the conductor.\" All of the engineers piled into the bathroom.The English majors were puzzled.

The conductor came aboard and collected tickets from all the English majors.He went to the bathroom,knocked on the door,and said,“Ticket please.\" All of the engineers piled into the bathroom.The English majors were puzzled.

The conductor came aboard and collected tickets from all the English majors.He went to the bathroom,knocked on the door,and said,“Ticket please.\"An engineer stuck their only ticket under the door.The conductor took the ticket and left.

A few minutes later,the engineers emerged from the bathroom.The English majors felt really stupid.

On the way back from the convention,the group of English majors had ONE ticket for their group.They started snickering at the engineers,who had NO tickets amongst them. When the engineer lookout shouted,“Conductor coming!\" all the engineers again piled into a bathroom.All of the English majors went into another bathroom. Then,before the conductor came on board, one of the engineers left the bathroom,knocked on the other bathroom,and said,“Ticket,please...\"





24 Knowledge Pills

A somewhat advanced society has figured how to package basic knowledge in pill form.

A student,needing some learning,goes to the pharmacy and asks what kind of knowledge pills is available.The pharmacist says,“Hereu0027s pill for English literature.\" The student takes the pill and swallows it and has new knowledge about English literture!

“What else do you have?\" asks the student.