John
Keats
Solitude!
if
must
with
thee
dwell,
Let
it
not
be
among
the
jumbled
heap
Of
murky
buildings;climb
with
me
the
steep,
Nature’s
observatory-whence
the
dell,
Its
flowery
slopes,its
river’s
crystal
swell.
May
seem
a
span;let
me
thy
vigils
keep
‘Mongst
boughs
pavillion’d,where
the
deer’s
swift
leap
Startles
the
wild
bee
from
the
fox-glove
bell.
But
though
I’ll
gladly
trace
these
scenes
with
thee,
Yet
the
sweet
converse
of
an
innocent
mind,
Whose
words
are
images
of
thoughts
refin’d,
Is
my
soul’s
pleasure;and
it
sure
must
be
Almost
the
highest
bliss
of
human-kind,
When
to
thy
haunts
two
kindred
spirits
flee.
哦,孤獨
約翰·濟慈
哦,孤獨!假若我和你必須
同住,可別在這層疊的一片
灰色建築裏,讓我們爬上山,
到大自然的觀測台去,從那裏--
山穀、晶亮的河,錦簇的草坡
看來隻是一拃;讓我守著你
在枝葉蔭蔽下,看跳縱的鹿麋
把指頂花盅裏的蜜蜂驚嚇。
不過,雖然我喜歡和你賞玩
這些景色,我的心靈更樂於
和純潔的心靈親切會談;
她的言語是優美情思的表象
因為我相信,人的至高的樂趣
是一對心靈避入你的港灣。
背景知識
約翰·濟慈(John
Keats),英國浪漫主義著名詩人。濟慈詩才橫溢,與雪萊、拜倫齊名。他的生命隻有25年,可他的詩篇一直譽滿人間,被認為完美地體現了西方浪漫主義詩歌的特色,並被推崇為歐洲浪漫主義運動的傑出代表。濟慈一生飽經孤獨的煎熬,為此,他特別喜愛和親近自然萬物,特別憧憬理想的愛情,並選擇了詩歌創作作為自我存在的基本方式。分析和把握濟慈的孤獨體驗對於我們理解濟慈其人及其詩歌創作具有重要的意義。
單詞注解
dwell
[dwel]
居住,住
slope
[slEup]
坡;斜麵
converse
[kEn5vE:s]
【書】交談,談話
bliss
[blis]
天賜之福,福氣
flee
[fli:]
消失;消散
第一章
Solitude!
if
must
with
thee
dwell,Let
it
not
be
among
the
jumbled
heap
Of
murky
buildings;climb
with
me
the
steep,Nature’s
observatory-whence
the
dell,Its
flowery
slopes,its
river’s
crystal
swell.
But
though
I’ll
gladly
trace
these
scenes
with
thee,Yet
the
sweet
converse
of
an
innocent
mind,Whose
words
are
images
of
thoughts
refin’d,Is
my
soul’s
pleasure;and
it
sure
must
be
Almost
the
highest
bliss
of
human-kind,When
to
thy
haunts
two
kindred
spirits
flee.
I’ve
Been
Working
on
the
Railroad