I’ve
been
working
on
the
railroad,
All
the
live-long
day.
I’ve
been
working
on
the
railroad,
Just
to
pass
the
time
away.
Can’t
you
hear
the
whistle
blowing,
Rise
up
so
early
in
the
morn;
Can’t
you
hear
the
captain
shouting,
“Dinah,blow
your
horn!”
Dinah,won’t
you
blow?
Dinah,won’t
you
blow?
Dinah,won’t
you
blow
your
horn?
Dinah,won’t
you
blow?
Dinah,won’t
you
blow?
Dinah,won’t
you
blow
your
horn?
Someone’s
in
the
kitchen
with
Dinah,
Someone’s
in
the
kitchen
know,
Someone’s
in
the
kitchen
with
Dinah,
Strummin’
on
the
old
banjo,and
singin’
Fee-fi-fidd-lee-i-o,
Fee-fi-fidd-lee-i-o,
Fee-fi-fidd-lee-i-o,
Strummin’
on
the
old
banjo.
我一直工作在鐵道上
我一直工作在鐵道上,
整天從早幹到晚。
我一直工作在鐵道上,
隻是為了消磨時光。
難道你沒聽見哨聲響?
清晨一大早就得起身;
難道你沒聽見隊長叫?
“黛娜,快吹響你的號!”
黛娜,你別吹,
黛娜,你別吹,
黛娜,你別吹號。
黛娜,你別吹,
黛娜,你別吹,
黛娜,你別吹號。
有人同黛娜在夥房,
我知道有人在夥房。
有人同黛娜在夥房,
撥響老班卓在歌唱:
菲──費費德──利──伊──喲,
菲──費費德──利──伊──喲,
撥響老班卓。
背景知識
《我一直工作在鐵道上》是最流行的美國民歌之一。它最早是十九世紀三四十年代路易斯安娜州密西西比河南部修築河堤的黑人工人們唱的《大堤曲》。隨著築大堤變為建鐵路,這強有力的曲調被填上新詞,成了密西西比州西部大多數愛爾蘭鐵路工人唱的一支歌。到1880年為止,各民族以及來自各國的工人們已經鋪設了近十萬英裏的鐵道,《我一直工作在鐵道上》這支歌也已經傳遍了38個州。這首歌的另一翻版《得克薩斯州的眼睛》被得克薩斯州大學用作正式校歌。其中以“黛娜,你別吹”開始的第二段是後來加進去的。以前各大學經常刊印歌本,而《我一直工作在鐵道上》這首歌總是名列其中。
單詞注解
whistle
[5hwisl]
口哨;警笛;哨子
horn
[hC:n]
觸角,觸須
banjo
[5bAndVEu]
五弦琴
名句誦讀
I’ve
been
working
on
the
railroad,All
the
live-long
day.
Can’t
you
hear
the
whistle
blowing,Rise
up
so
early
in
the
morn;Can’t
you
hear
the
captain
shouting,“Dinah,blow
your
horn!”
第一章
The
Furthest
Distance
in
the
World
Rabindranath
Tagore
The
furthest
distance
in
the
world
is
not
between
life
and
death
But
when
stand
in
front
of
you
Yet
you
don’t
know
that
love
you
The
furthest
distance
in
the
world
is
not
when
stand
in
front
of
you