Yet
you
can’t
see
my
love
But
when
undoubtedly
knowing
the
love
from
both
Yet
cannot
be
together
The
furthest
distance
in
the
world
is
not
being
apart
while
being
in
love
But
when
plainly
can
not
resist
the
yearning
Yet
pretending
you
have
never
been
in
my
heart
The
furthest
distance
in
the
world
is
not
when
plainly
can
not
resist
the
yearning
Yet
pretending
you
have
never
been
in
my
heart
But
using
one’s
indifferent
heart
to
dig
an
uncrossable
river
for
the
one
who
loves
you
世界上最遙遠的距離
羅賓德拉納特·泰戈爾
世界上最遙遠的距離
不是生與死
而是我就站在你的麵前
你卻不知道我愛你
世界上最遙遠的距離
不是我站在你麵前
你卻不知道我愛你
而是明明知道彼此相愛
卻不能在一起
世界上最遙遠的距離
不是明明知道彼此相愛
卻不能在一起
而是明明無法抵擋這股想念
卻還得故意裝作絲毫沒有把你放在心裏
世界上最遙遠的距離
不是明明無法抵擋這股想念
卻還得故意裝作絲毫沒有把你放在心裏
而是用自己冷漠的心
為愛你的人挖掘了一條無法跨越的溝渠
背景知識
羅賓德拉納特·泰戈爾(Rabindranath
Tagore),印度著名詩人、作家、藝術家、社會活動家、哲學家和印度民族主義者,生於加爾各答市一個有深厚文化教養的家庭,屬於婆羅門種姓。1913年他憑借宗教抒情詩《吉檀迦利》獲得諾貝爾文學獎。
在這首詩歌中,作者闡述了:生與死本是一種永遠無法逾越的距離,而近在咫尺卻形同陌路是單戀的心與所愛的人之間遙遠的距離。相愛卻不能在一起,有情人無法成眷屬,是千古遺憾的情人之間的距離,而明明愛著卻裝著不放在心上,是更加矛盾而痛苦的距離。
單詞注解
undoubtedly
[Qn5dautidli]
毫無疑問地;肯定地
plainly
[5pleinli]
清楚地,明顯地
resist
[ri5zist]
抵抗,反抗
名句誦讀
The
furthest
distance
in
the
world
is
not
between
life
and
death
But
when
stand
in
front
of
you
Yet
you
don’t
know
that
love
you
The
furthest
distance
in
the
world
is
not
when
stand
in
front
of
you
Yet
you
can’t
see
my
love
But
when
undoubtedly
knowing
the
love
from
both
Yet
cannot
be
together
The
furthest
distance
in
the
world
is
not
when
plainly
can
not
resist
the
yearning
Yet
pretending
you
have
never
been
in
my
heart
But
using
one’s
indifferent
heart
to
dig
an
uncrossable
river
for
the
one
who
loves
you