T he Editor,T he H umanities Association Review,
I wish to reply to,and clarify,certain points raised by J。 D。Schmidt in his review of my book,Chinese T heories of Literature,which appeared in your journal(Vol。28,No。1)。
To begin with,I am ethnically and cultu rally a Chinese,having been bor n and brought up in Peking(where I attended school university,and graduate school),and my native lan-guage is Chinese。 I might add that to this day I still write po-ems and let ters in Classical Chinese。
It is therefore the height of irony that Schmidt should ac-cuse me of“Europeanism”and“ethnocentrism”,and to com-pliment me condescendingly on my“quite admirable com mand of the Chinese language”。 If what he really means is that in-tellectually,I am too Westernized in my penchant for analysis and categorical I would reply as follows。
First,it is simply not tr ue,as he asserts,that categori-zation is not typical of Chinese thought。 Just think of those e-nor mous Chinese E ncyclopedias in which all available knowl-edge is classified under categories like“heaven”,“earth”,etc。In fact,another reader accused me on“the typically Chi-nese penchant for categorization”。I feel somewhat like a Martin L uther King being called both a“racist”and an“Uncle T om”at same time。
Secondly,the idea that Chinese literature and criticism should be studied only in Chinese terms is analogous to histor-icism,according to which,for in Shakespeare should be stud-ied only in terms of Renaissance rhetoric,but not teams of modern criticism。 Had I insis ted on this,it would have been just if to accuse me of“ethnocentrism”。As a mat ter of fact,this mentality is akin European Sinologues and Sinophiles who would like to see Chinese culture,untouched。I have no wish to see Chinese literatu re and criticism meet such a fate,on the contrary,I want them to be read,handled,studied,and enjoyed as Wester n literature and criticism are。