正文 第21章(1 / 3)

With hogs loose in the woods like that,it washard to know for sure when you’d found them all.

But I kept a piece of ear from every pig I marked. Icarried the pieces home in my pockets and stuckthem on a sharp pointed stick. When they reachedforty - six,and I didn”t seem to be finding anymore hogs,Mama and I thought that must be all thepigs that had been born to our hogs that year. So Istopped hog hunting and started getting ready togather corn. Then Bud Searcy paid us another visit.

He told me about one bunch of hogs I hadn”tfound.

豬 群這樣地四處散居在林子裏,你很難斷定什麼時候算是把它們都給找齊了。但是我每在一頭豬上打上一個印記就留下一小片耳朵。我把這些耳朵片裝在口袋裏帶回家,然後把它們穿在一根尖頭的棒上。當累積到四十六片時,似乎再也找不到豬了,我和媽媽都以為這些一定是我們家的豬當年生下的全部豬崽了。因此,我便不再去找豬而準備去收割玉米了。這時,巴德·塞西又到我家訪問了一次。他告訴我還有一群群我沒有發現。

“The y”re right off in tha t ba t ca ve c ountry,theothe r s ide of S a lt Bra nch ,”he said.“Ros a l Simpsonra n into them two da ys a go,fe e ding on pe a r a pple s inthos e pric kly - pe a r fla ts.He s a id the re we re five pigsfollowing five hogs with your ma rk.”


I’d never been that far the other side of Salt


Branch before,but Papa had told me about the batcave. I thought I could find it. So early next morning,I set out with Old Yeller,glad of the chance tohunt hogs a bit longer before starting on the corngathering. Also,if I{ was lucky and found the hogsquite quickly,I’d have time left to visit the caveand watch the bats come out.Papa had told me itwas a great sight,the bats coming out in the late afternoon.


We found the hogs in plenty of time,but beforewe’d finished that job I wasn’t feeling like goingto see a bat cave or anything else,我們花了不少時間才找到那群豬,可是在完成任務之前我不想去看蝙蝠洞或做別的什麼事。

Old Yeller picked up the hogs’trail at a water- hole. He followed it out to a sort of forest ofprickly pear. The edges of the pear bushes werebright with red apples. In places where the hogshad fed,bits of peel and black seeds and red juicelay on the ground. It must be like eating thousandsof little pins,I thought.
